
NO Plaguarism

Develop a strategic marketing plan for Tesla Model S car, with its all electric power and innovation for the future. Please research and write on these three topics that will form part of my group project. 1.       1. Current situation and trends 2.       2. Marketing strategic 3.       3. Projected profit-and loss statement […]

MKT 510 Assignment 2: Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy

NEED COMPLETE BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 9:00 AM (CST) MUST PASS PLAGIARISM CHECKER Assignment 2: Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy Due Week 8 and worth 220 points Go to a local store that sells store brands or off-brand consumer products. Choose any off-brand consumer product that you want to reposition into a national brand. To qualify […]

Unit 3 Week 2 Second Response

Healthcare organizations have a lot of challenges to factor that include a financial collapse, a surge in underinsured care as well as an increasing competition for quality outpatient services.  Nevertheless, hospitals can still increase their financial profitability by focusing on key areas that include the reduction of fees and an expansion on reimbursement for services.  […]

Southwest Airlines marketing background analysis

It is due before 9p.m today!!! Do not accept if you cannot deliver it on time pleeeease! Do a full background analysis on Southwest Airlines.  Do NOT copy and paste, do not use Wikipedia…I want at least 5 real sources of information on the airline demonstrating to me that you are fully capable of doing […]

I need this assignment to be original!! I also need the directions followed!! It needs to be in APA with APA references

In this assignment, you will compare and contrast the differences between marketing strategies in a changing competitive environment. Scenario: Consumer behavior and competitive market analysis are key initiatives for a marketing manager. With the changing competitive environment of the global marketplace, marketing managers are always in search of evolving markets and underserved profitable niches to […]

Part II – Evaluating Capability readiness of the firm

Purpose of the analyses in this part Value analysis – Analysis of firm’s core competencies and dynamic capabilities, using product stream, custom solutions and network exchange approaches Home advantage analysis – Identify the foundations of the home advantage of the firm, using diamond analysis. I have compelted value analysis and home advantage analysis, please finish […]

MGT600-1702-02Business research for decision making

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations. Apply principles of quantitative and qualitative research to business cases. Apply the standard of APA style to all research and writing tasks. Appropriately use effective communication techniques. Describe common biases in decision making. Describe the opportunities provided by technology for businesses. Explain the roles of emotion and […]

Assignment 4: Part D: Your Marketing Plan – Video Presentation Due Week 10 and worth 200 points

Assignment 4: Part D: Your Marketing Plan – Video Presentation Due Week 10 and worth 200 points Imagine that you are pitching your hypothetical service-based company’s marketing plan to the Shark Tank Team for possible investment. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a three to five (3-5) minute dynamic […]


300 words apa 2 sources We’ve all heard the cliché that “nice guys finish last.” Is this true in marketing? Do firms that use good ethical practices have an advantage or disadvantage? Do you think consumers will pay a few cents more for non-polluting soap or environmentally friendly food products? Even popular movies have raised this […]

stakeholder stragegies

Answer in 200 words each: a) Identify the different stakeholders of Anglo American and their stakes.    What is your suggestion on how Anglo American could respond to these stakes? b) Critically evaluate the business model of Dyson for its globalization business strategy.  What changes might be needed, if any, as the firm ventures into future growth markets […]

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