
L Sim.

Absolutely No Plagiarism and Original Work Only  For this project, you and your team will be responsible for creating a document (in Microsoft Word) and delivering a presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint; with audio content) that together detail the Year #1 performance of your LINKS Services Marketing Simulation firm and outline your Year #2 plans for […]

Fundraising Plan

You should cover the following topics (as sections with headers) at a minimum, but are encouraged to include more than just the minimum in drafting this. Fundraising Philosophy (a statement, similar to your short-form coaching philosophy and recruiting philosophy statements, that in a sentence or two, outlines the essence of your fundraising  philosophy) Fundraising Objectives (2-5 SMART […]

Prof. James Kelvin – Internal Public Relations

Read the attached Case Study “Sony Shoots the Messenger” and answer the three questions at the end of the case study .  Write a 1,050 word paper in which you describe how the case was handled and provide recommended improvements for your client (Sony), including three outside references as well as citations with your paper.               Please format the […]

Consumer Behavior Blog Post – Would you tweet about clean hands?”

“ Please respond to the following: Look at Method’s Twitter account presence: Based on this information from Method’s Twitter account, decide whether a consumer would use hedonic or utilitarian values in their decision to purchase a product from Method. In this week’s blog entry, indicate your decision and explain your rationale based on your own reaction […]

Marketing Final NEED IN 2HOURS

What are the differences between the international marketing research process and the domestic research process. Please explain with examples In determining a location for a men’s clothing store, what kinds of secondary data should be available for each proposed location? When is it suitable to use a diary panel and when should it be disregarded? […]

need help with paper

I need with my paper. Everything you need is the Guidelines and Rubric. Please do my paper on Amazon.  Thank you for your help!!

MKG 400 CT (6)

Option #2: Making Socially Responsible and Ethical Marketing Decisions: Selling Tobacco to Third World Countries . Prepare a paper analysis looking at ethics comparatively speaking looking at the situations presented in this case. Minimally, address the following questions: Use the model in Exhibit 1 as a guide and assess the ethical and social responsibility implications […]

Discussion question due -TODAY BY 11PM

What are the five stages of the consumer buying decision process? How can you use this information to your advantage as a marketer? DOES NOT HAVE TO BE MORE THAN 100 WORDS AND NO FORMAT The five stages in the of the consumer buying process according to Kerin and Harley (2016) are: Problem recognition, “perceiving […]


Select a product that is either already out there or a new extension for a current product line. Work with your group to create an advertising campaign with a single central theme (eg. Flo and Progressive’s low prices using humor to sell). You will create a 3-ad advertising campaign. One of these ads has to […]

help help

Assignment 1 Assignment Details Assignment Instructions Assignment 6 There are two parts to this assignment. Part 1: Try to remember the billboards on your commute to work or school. How many do you think there are? Explain why you remembered any of them. Next time you are on that route, note how many billboards there […]

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