

PowerPoint: Marketing Plan For the  Project, you will put together a PowerPoint presentation that you could present to officers within the company. This presentation should summarize the Marketing Plan that you have compiled throughout this course. Remember to include pertinent facts as well as a discussion of the competitive advantage within each of the four […]

Unit 4 Response # 2

Withdrawal of Care                                      June 22, 2017                                                                                        Executive Summary Objective The objective of this review is to look at how the Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System handles cases involving withdrawal of care, specifically looking at policies and procedures that the Durham VA has in in place to ensure compliance with laws and regulations from […]

Channels of Distribution and Logistics

1.    Any Topic from Chapters 9-122.    APA format, minimum 3 sources 3.    Explain the Channels of Distribution and Logistics concept topic in general terms AND cover how it is implemented in the student’s chosen pretend business.5.    Paper will be a minimum of 650 and a maximum of 900 words. (This includes title section, content, and references…in […]

Understanding the Consumer

Using the decision-making model, describe the consumer decision-making process for an individual seeking a new primary care physician. 3-5 pages excluding cover, abstract, and reference pages Go to a local health care system in the Atlanta Area and under “Choose a doctor” (or similar wording allowing a search for physicians associated with that center), search […]

Customer Behavior

Customer Behavior 1. APA format, minimum 5 sources2. Paper will be a minimum of 1250 and a maximum of 1500 words. (This includes title section, content, and references…in other words the entire paper)3. Explain the Customer Behavior concept topic in detail AND cover how it is implemented in the student’s chosen pretend business. 

Marketing Research

Select the Santa Fe Grill database and analyze the data using the appropriate statistical techniques, prepare a powerpoint presentation of your findings, and make the presentation to your resaerch class.   A.  Select and appropriate variable from the data set and prepare a simple bar chart of the findings in SPSS.  B.  Select and appropriate […]

Prof. James Kelvin – How Organizations Proactively Approach and Respond to Social Respond to Social Responsibility/Sustainability

Select an organization that has a known interest in social responsibility and/or sustainability. Write a 1,050 word paper that addresses the following questions: Why did you select this organization? Why do you think this organization is socially responsible and/or interested in sustainability? How does the organization actively demonstrate these principles? What public relations efforts are […]

Prof. James Kelvin – Approach to Crisis Management: Defending an Organization’s Reputation

Select one of the following case studies to read and do research on from The Practice of Public Relations: Race Relations with that Soy Latte? (page 59) Uber Success Brings PR Problems (page 102) Ethical Hammer Falls on Daddy Huxtable (page 124) Up Your Bucket for a Wonderful Cause (page 287) The Rise and Fall […]

Assignment: Application: Financial Analyses

Assignment: Application: Financial Analyses Have you ever wondered why a 16-ounce beverage costs only a little more than the 12- ounce serving? Chances are that the company producing the beverage conducted a financial analysis to determine the cost of the beverage versus what the market would bear as far as price. An important aspect of […]

global strategy and organization

Discussion Prompt In 200 words each: What factors shaped the decision of Burberry historically to offshore and out-license its value infrastructure? What factors have shaped the decision of Burberry to reshore some of its value infrastructure?   Does this suggest that higher globalization of the nations and of the firms makes reshoring more attractive.  Why or […]

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