Political Science

crime statistics

You (the student) are Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. You received the murder crime statistics (See Table 1 – Western District Murder Chart for 20xx) from your LE intelligence analyst for your statistics but you are not satisfied with what you were provided. In your position as Commander of the Western […]


YOU MUST ACCESS to my university account and reading the material, then Do the quiz. It is openbook but have to gen an A. If you cannot please do not send me handshake. there  are 10 multiple choices.  60 Minutes to Complete the Quiz … Once you start you must finish. Timed Test This test […]


France is having an election this May for President and there has been much posturing by the candidates.  Provide a 2 page paper, with citations, as to the current ideological state of the leading candidates for president in France, thus far. 2 Page paper- 3 citations minimum

Constitutional Rights

Assignment 2: Constitutional Rights Due Week 10 and worth 200 points The constitutional rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are most highly protected during the trial stage of a criminal proceeding. This is when the adversarial process, which characterizes the U.S. criminal justice process, is at its peak.  Analyze and evaluate the steps which […]

Big City

You (the student) have been recently promoted to be the Commander of the Western District in Big City, USA. Your LE intelligence section has provided you several intelligence reports on gang and drug activity in the district based on your earlier tasking (see below). You will evaluate the intelligence product provided by your LE intelligence […]

Juvenile Justice

Most juvenile offenders do not go on to commit crime as adults. Most go on to live productive lives. Please give an overview of the history of the juvenile justice movement. Make sure to reference the progressive movement, the advent of juvenile court, the juvenile rights movement, and other pertinent movements within juvenile justice history.How […]


Justice seeks to make things right. The idea of justice is based on ethics, equality, human rights, religion, and solidarity. John Rawls says that “justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought.” Is justice the first virtue of the criminal justice system? Why or why not? Have your ideas […]

American government final exam help Question 2

You have studied the judicial branch of government, with emphasis on the Supreme Court, and the rulings they have made which have had wide-ranging effects on everyone in America. You will select two Supreme Court cases, which you believe have impacted American history and society. For each of the cases you will: A. Describe the […]

Need Assignment Completed

The Fire Chief has informed you that the fire prevention bureau has exceeded its budget and has no funds available to implement an important fire prevention program which targets at-risk populations. Plans call for the program to be implemented during the national fire prevention week, which starts in two weeks.Review the list below and identify […]

Communication and Conflict

You are a public administrator for a large public agency. Your senior leadership team has a track record of successes in working together over the past several years. In the last year, you have sensed a certain degree of stagnation in the team. Members that previously spoke up seem complacent and dispassionate about issues. You […]

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