Political Science

Influences of Conflict

Conflict is a natural part of teamwork and when properly managed can lead to innovation, creativity and increased productivity. If not properly managed, conflict can be detrimental. Provide an example of a functional, healthy conflict and analyze how you, as an administrator, can create a culture where conflict is acceptable.

AS/POLS 2900B Political Science

Liberty (or freedom) in an important concept for every one of the philosophers you will read this term: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mill and Marx. Choose any two (2) of these thinkers and compare and contrast their views on liberty/freedom and the role this concept plays in their respective theories of politics. The concept of rights […]

SOC 300: Sociology Of Developing Countries Assignment

Assignment 2: Lending Institutions, Health Care, and Human CapitalDue Week 9 and worth 200 points Use the Internet to research the country RONDA. Your research should include an examination of lending institutions, health care, and human capital, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 6 through 9. 6 to […]

Inevitable fall of capitalism

Using specific examples explain why karl marx’s predictions about the inevitable fall of capitalist states failed to materialise? 

1500 word paper on law enforcement

Every student will be required to write a Research paper about the following topic:  ‘Discuss contemporary law enforcement issues that police agencies face today ’ The minimum word count for the paper must exceed 1500 words. The term paper must possess a minimum of five credible sources (example: Wikipedia is NOT considered a credible source), typed, and double […]

When an individual is convicted of a crime, he/she is guaranteed counsel. He/she has the possibility of getting out on bail. Generally, he/she has the option of making a plea bargain. We often accept such concepts without question. The utilization and fai

1. Write a research paper in which you consider each of the three facets noted above, using the questions below as a guide, and conclude by making your own assessment about our criminal process. 2. Answer the following questions: A) What sources of legal services are available for the indigent? Which is the most widely used? Which […]

Constitution Day Presentation

Details: The following principles have been recognized as core tenets of the U.S. Constitution: Checks and balances Federalism Judicial review Limited government Popular sovereignty Separation of powers Create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation to educate a group of students or adults about the core tenets listed above for an upcoming Constitution Day celebration in a […]

From the different chapters you have covered thus

From the different chapters you have covered thus far in DYE, please identify ONE POLICY AREA (Education, Health Care, Welfare, etc.) and identify ONE PROBLEM within that policy area. Once you have identified that problem, use the framework from Eugene Bardach’s A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis to develop a solution to address that problem

Writing Assignment – Morals in Action (Business Ethics Class)

In a 1-2 page document, please explain the following: How does a person’s individual moral philosophy influence his or her business decisions? Compare and contrast the three main moral philosophies of Moral Virtue Theory, Duty Theory (Deontologicalism), and Utilitarianism. Explain how each philosophy type would evaluate the morality of a particular ethical decision. 12 point […]

In your initial post of at least 200-250 words, briefly summarize how the Electoral College works. Explain some of the main pros and cons in the debate about whether to keep or abolish the current Electoral College process. Also explain one proposal to c

200-250 word essay

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