Political Science

Read Chapter 12 and answer the following questions in your Memo (400 words): What is the authors’ main argument? (100 words)What are the key concepts introduced? Discuss at least three concepts. (100

Read Chapter 12 and answer the following questions in your Memo (400 words): What is the authors’ main argument? (100 words) What are the key concepts introduced? Discuss at least three concepts. (100 words) How does this matter for a public organization? (100 words) How could you apply this to your organization and/or your career? (100 […]

Read chapter 12. Do an online search and find two examples of the same type of e-governance at local-level (county, city or municipal); one from the U.K. and one from the U.S. Provide URLs for both.

Read chapter 12. Do an online search and find two examples of the same type of e-governance at local-level (county, city or municipal); one from the U.K. and one from the U.S.  Provide URLs for both. What are they? (100 words) Explain the advantages and possible challenges of them (100 words) What are the differences and […]

Name and discuss the principal issues that a theory of White Collar Crime attempts to explain, then identify and discuss some of the main underlying assumptions for any such theory. Define and discuss

Name and discuss the principal issues that a theory of White Collar Crime attempts to explain, then identify and discuss some of the main underlying assumptions for any such theory. Define and discuss the principal elements of demonic, biogenic, psychological, and sociogenic perspectives as they relate to the notion that White Collar Crime offenders are […]

(My real world political issue is about Pandemic, the concept is possibly the intensity of pandemic) Concept: Identify a concept specific to your real-world political issue. To make this part of the a

(My real world political issue is about Pandemic, the concept is possibly the intensity of pandemic) Concept: Identify a concept specific to your real-world political issue. To make this part of the assignment easier, be sure to identify a concept that is continuous and has a direction (i.e., there can be more or less of […]

Locking for assistance with an upcoming project. This will be a multi-step project in which the first submission will continue to grow into the final essay. The first part is due by Sunday, November 1

Looking for assistance with an upcoming project. I need a serious writer with the skills to develop the research paper, no someone that will cut and paste a bunch of stuff from the internet with no thoughts behind it. It has to be a well thought, well organized easy based on the thesis, following APA […]

Is the rational actor model the best way to understand foreign policy decision making? Raise an objection to the model. Reply to your objection or raise a second objection. In your answer, be sure to

Is the rational actor model the best way to understand foreign policy decision making? Raise an objection to the model. Reply to your objection or raise a second objection. In your answer, be sure to explain the model and define “rationality.” Use the US decision to invade Iraq as your case study. write 8 paragraphs […]

A privately owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died. The island is large enough for several small communities to be developed. You want to s

A privately owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died. The island is large enough for several small communities to be developed. You want to start off on the right foot by establishing a local government, a judicial system, and a law enforcement system. […]

Do you think that we have a political obligation to obey the law? Explain why or why not by assessing the arguments presented in the text, indicating which you find most compelling and why.

Do you think that we have a political obligation to obey the law? Explain why or why not by assessing the arguments presented in the text, indicating which you find most compelling and why.

I need a paper about, In what ways do wars undermine human rights? Choose 1-2 examples to develop. Here are the guidelines that you must follow for you essay, from the Queens College Political Science

I need a paper about, In what ways do wars undermine human rights? Choose 1-2 examples to develop. Here are the guidelines that you must follow for you essay, from the Queens College Political Science department: http://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/Political_Science/Writing%20Guidelines_Liberman_0415.pdf Also, these are the guidelines from the syllabus: Your final paper should be 3000 words (including references and […]

Required # 1: (Presents general ideas from the given information) Tom NicholsHow America Lost Faith in Expertise and Why That’s a Giant Problem Required #2: (Example of an expert from this novel) J

Required # 1:  (Presents general ideas from the given information) Tom NicholsHow America Lost Faith in Expertise and Why That’s a Giant Problem Required #2: (Example of an expert from this novel) Jeffrey C. Isaac- How Hannah Arendt’s classic work on totalitarianism illuminates today’s America Two paragraphs each novel and cite work. 

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