Political Science

Discussion Topic 4 Should Texas have a state income tax? Only a handful of other states besides Texas do not have a state income tax. Look up at least two (2) websites to support your argument. Put

Discussion Topic 4 Should Texas have a state income tax?  Only a handful of other states besides Texas do not have a state income tax.Look up at least two (2) websites to support your argument.  Put website addresses in parentheses. To receive full credit, you must submit at least one original post and responses (replies) […]

I have an Exam with 1-2 question and Once I got tutor I’ll open exam and give you a question and have 90 minutes. Below is the attached and it’s just example of the question but most probably the same

I have an Exam with 1-2 question and Once I got tutor I’ll open exam and give you a question and have 90 minutes. Below is the attached and it’s just example of the question but most probably the same question.

Paper on substance abuse and domestic violence

Paper on substance abuse and domestic violence 

Ethnic v

Imagine a country where religious factions inside a nation want to have their own separate homeland. The government refuses, claiming that the territory in question, which commands the nation’s only source of clean water, is vital to security. Is violence inevitable?

read the instructions

Think about a specific issue or policy that you are interested in and/or that has impacted you personally. Use the assigned resources that are provided for this journal to gather information about the goals and proposals, in that issue area, of three U.S. political parties – the Democratic and Republican parties and a third party. […]

please read instruction

please see the attachement needs minimum 2 scholary/peer reviewed resources

respond to classmates posts


Technology, including travel-driven technology, has made the world smaller. It has enabled the rapid exchange of ideas and information,

Technology, including travel-driven technology, has made the world smaller. It has enabled the rapid exchange of ideas and information, further shrinking the world. This has also led to more porous borders with significant difficulty in ensuring safety and security. Discuss how geography affects US border security. Offer realistic and practical recommendations on how the US […]

What are the issues generally and the issues specifically today with regard to public opinion and national security? Use and discuss examples gleaned from current news.

What are the issues generally and the issues specifically today with regard to public opinion and national security? Use and discuss examples gleaned from current news.   

Wizard Kim Term Project Paper 312

Write your final research topic paper on role of legislature in the appropriation process This outline must follow the preceding format as far as section headings. This final paper should be between 8 to 10 pages for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page. •Written communication: Written communication is free of […]

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