Political Science


After listening to the interview with Stephen B. Bright, The quality of a legal defense: Does it matter if you’re rich or poor? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., ( http://www.kpbs.org/audioclips/13308/ )  and studying the required readings for the week, please respond to the following: What role does geographic location play a role in […]

CJ WK 2 Assignment

To prepare for your Final Paper (due in Week Five), complete the following assignment and submit it to your instructor for feedback. Your paper should include a problem statement, outline, and annotated bibliography. Problem Statement: Describe the social problem selected for your paper. Outline: Using the sample below as a guide, provide an outline for your Final […]

government question

Student Learning Outcome:  What is a citizen? 70% of students will successfully research and evaluate a proposed “birthright citizenship” of the 14th Amendment, and its potential impact on American society. Activity for Assessment: There are many individuals and groups that propose constitutional change, and one popular voice, George Will, has suggested a change in how we view […]

government question “birthright citizenship”

government question “birthright citizenship” 70% of students will successfully research and evaluate a proposed “birthright citizenship” of the 14th Amendment, and its potential impact on American society. Activity for Assessment: There are many individuals and groups that propose constitutional change, and one popular voice, George Will, has suggested a change in how we view citizenship. Read the […]

Week 4 (1)

A great debate continues on whether leadership can be learned or if it is something someone is born with. Consider whether or not you believe the kind of leadership necessary for leading and inspiring the participants in a community collaboration can be taught to a public administrator? What does your conclusion mean for how we […]

Week 4 pt (2)

Based on my leadership style and the readings in attached, analyze my personal leadership style, which leadership characteristics are most dominant for you, and how you might integrate other leadership characteristics into your style to be even more effective in a variety of situations. What indicators will you use to determine your effectiveness as a […]

Public admin

Week 4 Assignment 2 – Submit Here Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 2: Debate It Powerpoint Presentation Due Week 4 and worth 140 points Most people perceive international public administration to be a set of […]

American Government “On day 1 I will…”

When candidates for president are out on the campaign trail it is not uncommon to hear them state, “When I am elected President, on day one I will do … .” The candidate then gives a list of one or two executive orders that they will make on their first day in office. In other […]

Response to Discussion Question 9

An explanation of one benefit and one challenge posed by the permanent relocation of residents. Then take a position on the appropriateness of the role of government in providing housing relief after a disaster. Justify your position. Be specific and provide examples.      According to Phillips, permanent housing is defined as a home from which […]

Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

theories that attempts to explain why people use drugs as solutions to their mental, emotional, and physical problems: Medical Psychological Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 3–5 pages: What 2 theories did you select? Briefly identify and describe them. For each theory, answer the following questions: How does this theory explain drug use and abuse? Explain […]

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