Political Science

American Government “Creating an Argument: The Electoral College”

Your essay must be at least 500 words long. Follow these steps to create an argument in the form of an essay: Step 1: In one or two very clear sentences state whether or not the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated. This is called writing a thesis statement. Step 2: In three paragraphs […]

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Case Study 1: Terrorism and the Media Due Week 4 and worth 100 points On April 15, 2013, two (2) bombs were set off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Three (3) people were killed and over 260 were injured. The initial investigation and manhunt spanned several days after the bombing. The media […]

assignment please incorporate united way

Unit V Assignment  Rough Draft  You are able to submit a rough draft of your final project in Unit V. The rough draft will allow you to receive feedback from your professor and implement changes before submitting your final project in Unit VII and receiving a final grade. Your rough draft should consist of the […]


Why should police be required to advice suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights when police are not required to advice people who consent to searches that they need not give consent? What is the difference? When does Miranda apply? Give examples. Support your position. Remember all sources must be cited using Bluebook format. Initial substantive […]

Final Paper soc305

Final Paper Select and then define a significant issue faced by the justice system, describe the scope and consequences of the issue, and discuss society’s responses to the issue (including public policies and other less formal responses). Papers should also present a clearly reasoned alternative, supported by scholarly research. While the following example can be […]

A Comparison of the Legal Systems

For this week’s assignment, you will evaluate criminal justice systems via JuriGlobe: World Legal Systems (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Across the globe, there are various types of law including civil law, Muslim law, common law, customary law, and mixed systems. To understand international law, we must evaluate the types of law and […]

Cognitive Theory Table

200 words Description of the theory, including associated approaches and techniques Peer-reviewed reference (APA style) Details will provided during after handshake.

Cognitive Theory: Behavior Plan

Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Individual Case Studies, University of Phoenix Material: Behavior Plan Template, and the “Effective Treatment for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients” article located on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service website. Use the “Effective Treatment for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients” article as a sample for how to write a behavior plan. The “Case Study” […]

White Collar Crime

Read the article titled “U.S. v. WikiLeaks: espionage and the First Amendment”, located at http://www.nbcnews.com/id/40653249/ns/us_news-wikileaks_in_security/t/us-v-wikileaks-espionage-first-amendment/. Next, view the indictment titled “18 U.S.C. § 793: US Code – Section 793: Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information”, located at http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/18/I/37/793. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: Examine three (3) elements of white-collar […]

Internal and external stalkholders

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you address the following: Identify the Internal and External Stakeholders. Discuss how internal or external stakeholders have influenced the situation in a positive or negative way? How will you consider stakeholders in your solution to the problem? How will you motivate individuals to buy into […]

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