Political Science


Jihadists’ fundamental claim is that they’re fighting the ungodly in the name of God. Your manager wants you to make a PowerPoint presentation on “The Origins of Jihad” to new members of an emergency manager’s taskforce. Create a presentation of at least 5–7 slides in Microsoft PowerPoint, which includes the following: Origins of Jihad Modern […]


Should CIA agents be prosecuted for exceeding interrogation guidelines? https://youtu.be/yI2uTk5PVlY This assignment is 450  and needs should be done in APA format. 

What is the Pendleton Act of 1883? How has it improved the performance of gov’t agencies today?

Create a scenario of  three to four (3-4) revisions that a law maker could consider in order to improve performance and eliminate political influence in today’s government agencies. Provide a rationale for your response.

Political Science Questions 5

Quiz – Instructions: Please click on the link here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93uTkDsbxNM and watch this entire video, which features a panel discussion on the evolution of “Neoconservatism,” from intellectuals who opposed 1960s counterculture to those in the 1970s and 1980s (who were hawkishly anti-communist and socially liberal) to the neocons of today.

Watching this video should take approximately […]

Need back in 5 hours from now

                                                  Identifying a Community’s Needs One of the elements that will be missing in your grant application and your conception of whatever community need you will be trying to address with […]


Assignment 6 FIRST ASSIGNMENT/PAPER: Discuss the ethical dilemmas surrounding the non-traditional first-ever press conference July 5, 2016, whereas Director Comey addressed the public on an ongoing federal investigation and “decided” not to prosecute presidential candidate Hillary Clinton shortly before the election.  Articulate the myriad of ethical dilemmas involved in these press conferences, Comey’s testimony to […]

Poster design

I deed a good poster done,  And a sepatatr reference page ad described by the instructions You can design the poster in word or publisher, but it has to have the required information I need it asap, most preferebly Sunday Morning PST

311 WK5

311 Homeland Security and the Border Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade. Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words. Initial Post Due: Thursday, […]

300 WK8 ASS

Week 8: Short Research Paper DUE: Jul 30, 2017 11:55 PM Assignment Details Top of Form Assignment Instructions Assignment: Write a Complete Research Paper with In-Text Citations and Reference List (5-6 pages)In this assignment, you will put all the pieces together, requiring that you go back and review several elements:   – How to cite […]

300 WK 6 ASS

Week 6: Short Article Assignment DUE: Jul 16, 2017 11:55 PM Top of Form Assignment Instructions Assignment: Write a Short 4-5 paragraph Article (2-1/2 pages) This assignment will give you practice on writing clearly and succinctly with attention to the construction of each paragraph.  After reviewing all the Lesson materials, write a short article on […]

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