Political Science

300 WK5 ASS

Week 5: Research Approaches Exercise DUE: Jul 9, 2017 11:55 PM Top of Form Assignment Instructions Assignment:  Research Approaches Exercise (2-1/2 pages) In this assignment, you will choose 2 research approaches that you might consider for your own research strategy and describe how each of these approaches might work.  Discuss the merits and drawbacks for […]

300 wk5

Research Approaches Why is it important to think about the research approach you plan on using for your papers? Most students just default to what they have always done. But what they have always done is typically only one of many different approaches. Does the approach a person takes to research affect the conclusions? Does […]


Final Assignment DUE: Jul 30, 2017 11:55 PM Assignment Details Top of Form Assignment Instructions For the final assignment, you will take the midterm and the progress assignment and combine the two into one seamless document.  In addition to your first two papers, you will make at least three substantive recommendations on how to prevent […]


Progress Assignment DUE: Jul 16, 2017 11:55 PM Assignment Details Top of Form Assignment Instructions Building on the information that you prepared from your Midterm Assignment (but without repeating what you wrote), prepare a research paper that addresses the below information in 5-7 pages…USE peer reviewed resources from outside the classroom. For the terrorist organization likely to […]

320 wk5

Intelligence Collection Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade. What are the capabilities and limitations of U.S. human and technical intelligence collection programs? Instructions: […]

International Affairs Essay

Wirting a 500 words essay for my international affaris class.  Talking about how the US government should deal with the rise of China? Trying to build a good relationship? Or being defensive/offensive?  No plagarism Do NOT talk about too much about the current conditions, instead, you should show you ideas, analysis, and strategies.  MLA style

ESSAY: What is the biggest problem facing police in the USA today?

What is the biggest problem facing police in the USA today?(Choose a problem in which you can locate substantial information.) Prepare an eight to 4-5 page, double-spaced essay–excluding the cover page and references page–covering, in detail, the following: Detailed description of the problem. Why is this the #1 problem? (More important than any other at the this […]

Discussion Question-must use resources in the description

Canton, L. G. (2007). Emergency management: Concepts and strategies for effective programs. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Chapter 9, “Coordinating Disaster” (pp. 261–303) Walsh, D. W., Christen, H. T., Jr., Callsen, C. E., Jr., Miller, G. T., Maniscalco, P. M., Lord, G. C., & Dolan, N. J. (2012). National incident management system: Principles and […]


Note: I need complete 2-3 pages paper on the following assignment. HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Must address the all steps properly.  Must include 3 credible references  cited in APA.  Must provide 100% original work. DO NOT PROVIDE THE PREVIOUSLY USED WORK. DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN ANSWER! Assignment Respond to the following statements in a complete 2-3 pages paper: Discuss the rationale for privatizing state and federal […]

2000 vs 2016

VIEW Comparisons Between Hillary Clinton 2016, Al Gore 2000 hosted by NBC Learn.  REVIEW the other two videos on the 2000 Presidential Election and answer the following questions:• What are the similarities between these two presidential elections?• Would you argue that history repeated itself with respect to Al Gore in 2000 and Hilary Clinton in […]

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