Political Science

Overview of the U.S. Congress Essay

Write a 525- to 700-word essay that provides an overview of the U.S. Congress and addresses the following: Differences between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate – .5 point Powers granted to the U.S. Congress under the U.S. Constitution – 1 point The checks and balances the U.S. Congress has vis-à-vis the Presidency […]


WORD COUNT 350 What is Research View Full Description This week you read the first module of the” Writing for College” series entitled “Some Crucial Differences Between High School and College Writing” in which the authors laid out the requirement for you as college students to be able to make an argument based on your […]

Reply to Class Intro

Instructions: Please respond to the following students. Every two students have a different amount of minimal words.  Responses should be a minimum of 200 words and include direct questions. Student #1 intro Hi Class,          In regards to why I am taking this specific course, I have to. This is one of the last courses […]

International disaster

Assignment 5: International Disaster Management and Future Trends / Challenges Due Week 10 and worth 150 points You are concerned about the growing number of international man-made and natural disasters. You are looking for information as to what you can do to assist the victims of these disasters monetarily and operationally, and to help rebuild […]

wk1 rply 320

 WK1 . Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. Student #1 What single event do you believe had the most profound impact on U.S intelligence today? In my opinion this question has multiple different answers because the fact that just one event […]

Drug Law Strategies

Drug courts are supervised judicial entities that specifically deal with nonviolent drug offenses. The purpose of these courts is to accommodate recovery and restoration of the offenders to make them productive members of society. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 6–10 pages: What are the specific goals of drug courts? Explain. When is a person tried at […]

Website Critique paper

There will be one (1) website critique report due during the semester. The length of the report should be between 1-2 pages. Basically, I would like you to find a national government-related website and review it critically, kind of like you would do with a book review. By “national government”, I mean any site that […]

*****For NYANA ONLY******

All writing projects must follow the APA 6TH EDITION FORMAT.  If you have not purchased the APA Manual, do so ASAP.  You cannot use the short cut method of downloading, or the small booklet.  If the assignments are not in the proper format they will not be accepted.  Always re-read your work, have the correct Title Page, Abstract, […]

wk1 rply 302

Instructions: Please respond to the following  students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. Responses Due: Sunday, by 1300pm, ET Student # 1 Homeland Defense: The best description I have found to define Homeland Defense is from the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) White Paper. This paper detailed […]

wk1 rply 311

Border Enforcement- reply Instructions: Response should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. Responses Due Sunday, by 1300 ET Student #1 Thank you for your post. You wrote, ” Border searches are basically the searches which are made at the border pursuant to the long standing right of the sovereign to protect itself […]

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