Political Science

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Journal Activity 18 Cahn & Abigail 11 – Work with it #1 – p.  263   Journal Activity 19 Cahn  & Abigail 12 – Work with it #  1 – p. 291 Journal Activity 20 Cahn & Abigail 12 – Discuss it  #1  p. 291  – Journal Activity 21 Cahn & Abigail 12 – Think […]


Network Attacks Research denial-of-service attacks (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDos). Compose a 1-2 page paper giving an explanation on each type of network attack and what network administrators can do to prevent these types of attacks. For example, if the Triton Corporation has a DoS attack, what would be your forensic plan of action? Write an outline of […]


Unit 4 Assignment Instructions Summary: Click here to view full details. Short Paper: Hypothesis and Conclusion In a 3 page paper address the following: Identify and describe five scientific methods of research inquiry and how you would apply them to a research Project. Be sure to provide examples. Develop a hypothesis focused on the professional practices of […]

2 week discussions & PowerPoint… A+ work only no plagiarizing

WEEK 10 discussions 1 The “Underwear Bomber””  Please respond to the following: In the textbook, Birkland argues that the “underwear bomber” case tipped the balance in favor of using screening machines that showed a clearer image of a screened passenger’s body under his or her own clothes. Take a position on the following question and provide […]

Respond To Article 3paragraphs

Your assignment is to write a fully developed, three-paragraph paper in which you summarize, analyze, and respond to the following article: http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/latest-columns/20160718-campus-carry-is-problematic-but-not-dangerous.ece Please read and follow the following instructions carefully: Title. Give your paper an original and informative title. It doesn’t have to be the cleverest title in the world, but it does have to […]

For Beautiful Yazmin

In your position as a parole officer, you feel as if you are making a difference in a person’s life. You knew that you would never be a police officer and here, you feel that you have more power than a police officer and you have a great criminal justice career. The Chief Probation Officer […]

Victimology Article Analysis

Victimology Scholarly Article Analysis Select and analyze a scholarly article on victimology. You may use this week’s required readings to guide you in your selection of a contemporary victimology article. In a critical analysis of the article, evaluate empirical data regarding crime victims. In your paper, you must: ·         Summarize the article’s thesis and main points […]

Wizard Kim 410

rovide at a minimum, the title of the program, where it is conducted and if it is a city, state, federal or another program. A few details are below. The paper will be a 7-10 page paper detailing a current “Louisiana Medicaid Program”. You will describe its worth/purpose, the data the program collects, explain how the […]

Fantasy Presidential Campaign Project

DUE Monday 8/21/17 at 12 Noon 3 Part Project Fantasy Presidential Campaign Activity Imagine that you have been serving the past few years as the governor of your home state or a U.S. Senator representing your home state. You have done great work and face no challenge in winning the nomination of your party to […]

case study : policy

NEEDED IN 100 HOURS (you have time don’t need to charge extra , i am giving you advance notice) Needed by July 19. 2017 7:00pm Los Angeles, California time  You are to prepare an analysis of the “Adult Businesses in Alta Valle” which is located on BeachBoard. The analysis is to cover all of the […]

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