Political Science

A Domestic Issue

Review the current public policy issues facing our government (environment, health care, civil rights, economy, etc.) and research the topic you selected. Respond to the following: • Briefly describe the policy issue that you selected. • What are the major concerns currently being discussed by lawmakers and public interest groups?• Are there any actions currently […]

unit 3 project

 Here is where you explain the organization and its financial needs to the individuals tasked with approving your requested budget. You should start on the spreadsheet template (linked below) and include the rationale, which you submitted for Unit II. Make sure you reference and cite (in APA format) any demographic information you list, as well […]

unit 3 research project

 Unit III Research Project  The public EMS agency that employs you is considering installing a state-of-the-art CAD system. Write a proposal for the department head of your agency with recommendations for the type and capabilities of the proposed CAD system.   Your paper should be at least one page in length, using APA (6th ed.) […]

Transnational Crime

For this week’s assignment, you will examine the global criminal perspective of two types of transnational crimes. Chapter 2 in the text discusses domestic crime, transnational crime, and justice. Find additional credible sources to assist in your evaluation of international policing and investigative agencies’ attempts to locate and arrest individuals that are engaged in these […]

PA 315 brief

It is easy brief about budget deficit. Read an article ,finish a brief form.Each question should have 3 or more sentence. should be detailed.

Week 4 Corrections and Delinquency Intervention/Prevention Programs

 For the article attached, provide the following information: Correctly cite the article in APA format: name of journal, authors, title of article, location. Summary of the article. Which type of crime intervention/prevention strategy is being addressed? List key findings and recommendations. Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Support your claims […]

weekly journal entry for class power and politics. 6 double spaced pages

broken down by week, of your summary of what we did in class ( cases, readings)  and your personal reaction and takeaways from each week’c class , that is, for each two sessions of class, you need to write out only a half page or so, so for the entire course, it will be approx 6 pages or so. […]

Special Populations: A Challenge to Juvenile Justice

Assume you were writing a proposal to a city or state administrator to address one of the special populations identified in our text (e.g., early starters, juvenile gangs, or juvenile sex offenders) and explain why juveniles in this category must be treated outside the normal juvenile delinquency programs. What are the benefits to this program […]

public policy analysis

WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 3 SUBMISSION Click the link above to submit your assignment. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 3: Position Paper Due Week 8 and worth 220 points This is a continuation of the first and […]

due June 14, 2017

At least a 150 words response to each question plus sources. Question 1 Amerithrax Please made certain that you read the prompt before reviewing the following hyperlinked sources: To obtain a good overview of the  Amerithrax Investigations, please open the FBI Website to their Famous Cases and Criminals Anthrax Investigation page.  Read through the four paragraph summary […]

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