Political Science

Write a Letter to Your Representative

Write a letter to either your Representative, Senator, or one of your State Legislators concerning a specific public policy. (State to address Texas) State your issue position clearly in this letter and then present an argument for why that elected official should support your position on that issue. Who would you send it to? This should […]

311 wk2 rly 2

This just a follow up to your work. Just answer it with 100 words. Whatever you think that will be good to reply to the teacher question. Nicely stated. You wrote that, ” The less open border will also reduce the good international relations that the US enjoys with the other countries. The democratic government and […]


The system of federalism was instituted with the writing and authorization of the Constitution in 1787. In dividing power between states and the national government, federalism has undergone challenges to the placement of power. Should power reside primarily in national or in state government? The Civil War was the most dramatic challenge to the placement […]

Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s

The 1960s civil rights movement in America was significant and eventful. The era was marked by protests against the Vietnam War and the passing of the most comprehensive civil rights laws. The 1960s were the age of youth as 70 million children from the postwar baby boom became teenagers and young adults. Research the civil […]

High Capacity Venue and technological advance

Select a high capacity venue where you live such as a sports stadium or amusement park. A.    Complete the High Capacity Venue Risks and Threats Outline.(FORM ATTACHED) B.    Writea 500+-word paper discussing how physical security should be implemented to mitigate these risks and how often these risks and threats should be reassessed. You can include your response at the […]

American Constitution

In your initial post of at least 250 words, utilize the Constitution, established case law, and scholarly sources, to complete the following assignments: Define judicial review. Define judicial activism and judicial restraint. Provide one recent example of judicial review by the Supreme Court and explain if the reviews are considered examples of judicial restraint or […]

The American Constitution

In your initial post of at least 250 words, briefly describe one pillar of the American government, how it interacts with the other three pillars, and then provide real-world examples of how that pillar supports the democratic system of government. For example, you may want to discuss how the national government interacts with local and […]

need it done soon

Discussion 1 (150 words with 1-2 credible references in APA, Must be 100% original work) With a wide variety of public problems competing for placement on the national agenda, how exactly do a handful of public problems rise to the level of national attention? Do you agree, as has been argued by many other policy […]

Topic Paper

Topic Federal Patient Safety Legislation Initiatives Write a topic paper based on the criteria provided below. Topic paper should be 6-8 pages in length (double-spaced); not including the title page, abstract/summary/conclusion page, appendices, and works cited page(s). Each topic paper should be researched with no fewer than five (5) references from at least five (5) […]

Government 2306

Students will write an essay, 500-750 words in length, on a topic selected from the list below. The purpose of the project is to give students an opportunity to discuss a key political science concept, and to show a basic understanding of academic research and reporting skills. The project consists of producing a 500-750 word research […]

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