Political Science

*****************FOR NYANYA ONLY**********************

CRJ3990— Four discussion response- Due Saturday 8/24/17 @ 9am. Please look back at the orignal homework post for links and textbook. Thanks TOPIC: After listening to the interviews with Bill Bratton and reading Chapter 1, please identify three major issues with public sector management especially concerning police and corrections.  Explain why properly handling these issues are […]

The Perfect Fit

Select either the presidency or congress 1. Discuss the reasons why you made the selection you did. 2. In your opinion, what is the most important power of the branch you selected? Why did you select that one?3. Consider the branch you did not select, how do both branches work together and keep each other […]

To the victory go the spoils

Please answer these two questions What is the Electoral College? Does the process work, why or why not? Can political ads go too far? Aside from “Daisy Girl”, what are some other ads you feel may have been negative?

320 wk7

320WK7 Intelligence Oversight and Ethics (and Next Term) View Full Description Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade.   #1 Discuss U.S. intelligence oversight. Is […]


311wk7 Port Maritime Legislation View Full Description Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade. Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. When addressing the […]

302 PRO

Progress Assignment DUE: Jul 16, 2017 11:55 PM Grade Details Assignment Details Graded?        Yes Points Possible        100.0 Resubmissions Allowed? No Attachments checked for originality?  Yes Assignment Instructions This assignment is a take-home essay question for which the student is expected to develop a 4-5 page essay that fully provides the requested information. Topic: Examine the […]

4 to reply to

REPLIES FOR Terrorism in the Middle East and Latin America 2 days ago Joshua Tulbert Discussion Board 4 Collapse Top of Form             Many condemn the actions of the Israeli government in their tactics to defend themselves but few have anything to say about Palestinian, Hezbollah, and Hamas rocket attacks on populated areas and suicide […]

Module 03 Written Assignment – Pain of Union

Unifying separate countries offers varied unique opportunities for growth but also gives way to complex challenges. For this module, write a one page paper explaining why the unification of Germany into one country (combining East and West Germany) proved to be more of a burden to the German people than expected. Base comments on what […]

World Power Policies Module 3

USA. “Describe what you feel will be one or two key economic and social issues to be debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States – based on your work in this class. What direction do you feel should be taken in the country in order to solve the specific problems mentioned?” Using […]

Module 3 Discussion Globalization

Globalization may have considerable beneficial and detrimental effects on various countries. Using what you’ve learned from this module share your thoughts on the economic and political impact of globalization on the Russian economy.

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