Political Science

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Originality is important 2 pages  Arizona offers unique opportunities for direct democracy based on initiative power. The Arizona voters, for example, have recently rejected the Proposition 204 initiative that sought to convert a temporary sales tax that funded education into a permanent tax.  In a 500-750-word “Letter to the Editor,” propose an initiative for an […]

PPA 603 Government Budgeting Assignment 3

Governmental Budgeting Process Develop a four- to five-page APA-style paper by following the guiding statements below, using a local, state, or federal government agency’s budget: Analyze how and where revenues are derived for the agency. Analyze which revenues are used in which funds: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary. Evaluate how public policy decisions affect the receipt […]

Policing and Mental Health Paper

Write a 1,050-word paper in which you select a police department with a special unit dedicated to mental health issues and analyze the components of the unit. Answer the following questions: When and why was the unit created? What is the unit’s impact on the community? What options do the police have for containment of a […]

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As we move to complete our project/proposal, the most important consequence is the evaluation of that project by the grantor. Therefore, clearly understanding how a grant is evaluated should be at the forefront of a grant-seeking institution. Research evaluation criteria for any three grants, then summarize the principle evaluation criteria among the three grants. Assess […]

Joran van der Sloot case study

heterosexual norms represent the guidelines for determining sexual deviance. In two different cases Joran van der Sloot’s heterosexual deviance has left him as a criminal suspect in one case involving Natalee Holloway, and as a convicted murder in another case involving another woman, Stephany Flores. In this case study, you will explore heterosexual deviance as […]

I have selected: President Reagan (years 1981-1989) doctrine: Sponsor anti-Communist guerrillas who are trying to overthrow pro-Soviet regimes. countries are Nicaragua, Angola, Russia, or Afghanistan

I have selected: President Reagan (years 1981-1989) doctrine: Sponsor anti-Communist guerrillas who are trying to overthrow pro-Soviet regimes. countries are Nicaragua, Angola, Russia, or Afghanistan  Assignment 2: Current Events and U.S. DiplomacyDue Week 9 and worth 135 points Draw from the information gained in your first research paper and expand your research to follow up in a […]

PAD 599 Competency Assessment (Perfect Answer)

Question 1 1. A process-oriented definition of “democracy” emphasizesequality of result.the ways in which government works,that everyone is equal.the ambiguity of the term “democracy.”1 points Question 2 1. Benchmarking performance improvement programs meanstargeted specific programs or functions.achieved some dramatic results.attempted to combine reduction of costs with increases in quality and timeliness.using standards and points of comparisons1 points Question 3 1. […]


Midterm Essay Write a 4-page paper, excluding cover page, (2-page paper for each prompt below) for each of the following questions: Compare and contrast the differences and similarities between the federal, state, and local levels of law enforcement. Describe how each level uniquely operates. Use at least four processes and their application, to show the […]

Week 2 Communication

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation, in which you include the following: Effective interview and questioning techniques that criminal justice personnel should use for gaining information from victims, witnesses, and professionals in a variety of criminal justice settings, as discussed in your collaborative group The steps criminal justice personnel must take to prepare for an interview […]

Criminalogy Asst 2

Write a paper answering these three questions: 1.) Review Chapter one “What is Criminology” and briefly describe your understanding of what Criminology is. 2.) Please name five different elements or areas in the field of Criminology and describe what areas of responsibility they involve. 3.) Describe your understanding of how the field of criminology evolved […]

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