Political Science

Could someone type this and have it done before tonight?

In a minimum of five pages (not including title and reference pages): Analyze how media broadcasting terrorist activities and successes psychologically impacts individuals (e.g., victims, recovery teams, first responders, the general population). Formulate an opinion on whether mediabroadcasts of terrorist activities should be limited to reduce potential impact on victims and non-victims. Outline your arguments […]

Constitution and Systems of the State

  Locate  The state of Maryland’s constitution and examine the major elements and articles of the        constitution.   Review its contents and functions. Search for information about the branches of government and    the funding sources for your state government.   Write a 1,100 word paper that addresses the following: How are the main components […]


Note: I need complete 2-3 pages paper on the following assignment. HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Must address the all steps properly.  Must include 3 credible references cited in APA.  Must provide 100% original work. DO NOT PROVIDE THE PREVIOUSLY USED WORK. DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN ANSWER! Assignment: Present a complete 2-3 pages report on a current public policy problem that has dominated conversation in Washington DC. The […]

American Government: “Propose an anmendment to the U.S. Constitution” Two part assignment!

Part one! Propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Be sure to make an argument supporting your proposed amendment. Why should this change be made? How will it benefit the lives of Americans across the country? Why does this issue need a Constitutional Amendment and not just a state or federal law change? This should […]

Assignment 8

Suppose a massive flood has caused large amounts of debris to block relief vehicles from reaching affected households in a community. In order for disaster relief to reach these victims, emergency managers must first coordinate debris removal to allow for delivery of relief aid. Coordinating and considering the types of debris removal is not an […]

Discussion Question 8

Challenges in Rebuilding and Reconstruction A small community is devastated by a flood, and the historic Main Street of the community suffers severe damages. The community has been experiencing economic hardship for the last decade and many argue that this disaster represents an opportunity to gentrify Main Street with parks, walkways, and bike paths. This […]

Unit 4 research project

Unit VI Research Project  EMS was primarily established as a means of reducing the number of accidental deaths and disabilities on the nation’s roadways. Communication has played a significant role in the ability of EMS services to respond with the proper equipment, as well as communicate the patient’s injuries to the receiving hospital. Your supervisor […]

Distribution of government power

Use your knowledge to develop the circumstances and details involved in a federal case against a fictitious criminal offender. In your assignment, provide a description of the criminal offender, including the type of crime committed and the charge handed down by law enforcement. Then, explain the circumstances and details of the federal case tracing the […]


Unit VII Final Project  You will submit your course project in Unit VII. Your project should outline and critically assess a shared service between a local or state government and a not-for-profit organization. Your project should be between 8 and 10 pages, not including the running head title page, and reference page.  PUA 6304, Local […]

300 wk3 ass

Week 3: Hypotheses Exercise DUE: Jun 25, 2017 11:55 PM Resubmissions Allowed? No Assignment Instructions Assignment:  Identifying the Variables and Writing a Hypothesis (1 page max) After reading the week’s Lesson materials, you will develop a working hypothesis, building on the research topic you have chosen.  Remember that once you have identified a research question, […]

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