Political Science

blog and board post

BLOG POST You will draw from the readings of Barna’s The Power of Vision and the presentations from Module/Week 1 to create a 750–1,000-word blog post.  The purpose of this post is for you to effectively describe the elements of mission-driven, visionary leadership. The essential and functional difference between mission and vision will be clearly […]


Unit 5 Assignment Instructions Summary: Click here for full details. PowerPoint Assignment: Leadership In a 16–20 slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding title and reference slides) provide information as well as analyze the roles of the following areas in criminal justice leadership strategies and practices: Organizational culture Behavioral theory Planning Community relations Your presentation should include, at a minimum, […]


Assignment: Your Final Paper in the class will involve analyzing any of the problems, challenges, and lessons regarding federal-state cooperation and intergovernmental cooperation in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, which devastated not only the city of New Orleans but also many of the Gulf States. Write a complete 2-3 pages draft that contains […]


Security experts say terrorist groups use the Internet for five general purposes. Your manager wants you to make a PowerPoint presentation on Terrorism and the Internet to new members of an emergency manager’s taskforce. Create a presentation of at least 5–7 slides in Microsoft PowerPoint, which includes the following: Research and communication Training Fundraising Media […]


THIS ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE 450 WORDS, APA FORMAT. Should Government block terrorist Web Sites? https://youtu.be/9GL1mV2VhcQ


Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which the student addresses the following three (3) items using headers to separate each response: Congressional Ethics. Identify one (1) member of Congress who has been charged with ethics violations. Briefly discuss the reason for the charges and provide two (2) reasons why you agree or […]


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze capital sources of public funding and debt. Discuss the following types of debt in your paper: General obligation and revenue bonds Certificates of obligation Contractual obligations Commercial paper Capital leases Notes payable Include at least four academic sources in your paper, including one from the […]

Need back in 4 hours from now

Discuss the 2 roles of police officers: the public servant and the crime fighter. Utilize current research to explain why some people may believe police subculture is breaking down. Review the presentation titled “Police (Part 2)” found in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 3. Integrate an analysis of “Biblical Themes”, legalism, and licentiousness, […]

Culture and Legal Traditions

Analyze the differing cultural perspectives on policing, the courts, and corrections in two of the following countries: China United States 1. How have the cultural perspectives of each country had an impact on their legal traditions?  2. Does there appear to be a direct correlation between the cultural beliefs and the legal traditions in each […]

Need back in 5 hours from now

For your thread, answer at least 1 of the following questions of your choice (you can discuss as many as you like): Discuss any of the causes of organizational conflict(s). Then discuss how best to handle the issues of the conflict(s) that you chose. Explain briefly how and if chronic health issues have an effect […]

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