Political Science

Which description best explains the significance of this excerpt to the current government of Massachusetts?

Which description best explains the significance of this excerpt to the current government of Massachusetts?

Yhomit 3 forum

Read Frank L., Greitzer R. & Hohimer, E.(2011). Modeling Human Behavior to Anticipate Insider Attacks. Journal of Strategic Security, Volume IV Issue 2 2011, pp. 25-48. What Frank, Greitzer & Hohimer (2011) argue about difficulties of picking up the trail before the fact, in order to provide  time to intervene and prevent an insider cyber attack?  Do […]

320 WK3 ASS

DUE: Jun 25, 2017 11:55 PM Grade Details Assignment Details Open Date   Jun 5, 2017 12:00 PM Graded?      Yes Resubmissions Allowed? No Attachments checked for originality?  Yes Assignment Instructions Select a terrorist organization likely to conduct an attack within the United States, and complete an in-depth profile on the organization you selected for this first […]

311 WK3 ASS

DUE: Jun 25, 2017 11:55 PM Assignment Details Top of Form Assignment Instructions Respond to the following short essay questions based on the course materials presented for weeks 1-4 and the research you have conducted from outside the class. You are to prepare and submit your midterm assessment in a Microsoft word document and attach […]

302 WK3

National Strategies and Strategic Documents in Homeland SecurityLearning outcome: After this discussion, you will be able to identify the importance of strategy and compare key homeland security strategies for alignment of effort. View Full Description This week’s readings had you read select national strategies and other strategic documents that serve to establish homeland security goals […]

answer the qusdtion

All the question should be about a page and a half and the answer came from the book, this is book link: https://books.google.com/books?id=xB5TCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false 1: discusses the following question: “other than factors of family and education, what circumstances would influence an individual American more in determining his/her political socialization?” 2: describes and evaluates at least three […]


Unit 10 Assignment Final Draft of Resume and Cover Letter It is time to submit your final resume and cover letter. Your final resume and cover letter should include recommended changes from the Career Specialist who reviewed them. If you did not choose to use Optimal Resume, please use Track Changes in Microsoft Word so […]

CASE STUDY 9: Brookhaven National Laboratory Hal G. Rainey I am involved in a study under a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a federal agency that, among other duties, supervises the national scientific and weapons laboratories, such a

CASE STUDY 9: Brookhaven National Laboratory Hal G. Rainey I am involved in a study under a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a federal agency that, among other duties, supervises the national scientific and weapons laboratories, such as Los Alamos, Scandia, Oak Ridge, and Brookhaven. As part of the team doing this […]

Modern Philosophers – Today’s Governments

APA FORMAT, NEWLY WRITTEN 1-2 PARAGRAPHS NEEDED, MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. Select one idea each from the modern philosophers – Sartre, Arendt, and Rawls – and discuss how that idea is influencing a modern government today.Is there an idea you’d like to see influencing government, that isn’t?

2 PAGES DUE Tuesday Night

First, attend, watch on KGOV (Kern County Governmental Television), or view online any public meeting of the Bakersfield City Council, Kern County Board of Supervisors, other special districts, commissions, committees, or other public meeting approved by the instructor.  The meetings of Bakersfield City Council and Kern County Board of Supervisors are available online at            http://www.bakersfieldcity.us/gov/meetings_n_agendas/default.htm […]

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