Political Science

Wizard Kim Assignment 7: Week 7: Paper 4 312

Assignment 7: Week 7: Paper 4 Write a two page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the topic from any of the course learning objectives listed below and in the syllabus; do not use the same topic from the previous Assignment paper. LO-1      Describe the political nature of the Federal Budget process. […]

Wizard Kim The congressional defense budget 312

Explain the successive phases of the congressional defense budget process. View Full Description and Attachment(s) Identify tools for changing the budget and explain the process. Do you think this process is proper, or do you think it allows changes to be made without proper oversight? Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least 250 words.  […]

Wizard Kim Negotiation Techniques 420

Read Sections 2.5 through 2.5.5 of the CMBOK. Describe the team members involved with negotiations. What techniques are implemented before and during negotiations to ensure fair and reasonable prices? Please feel free to use personal experience, university library, videos, and/or other reputable articles to state your position. Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least […]

Wizard Kim Assignment 7: Week 7: Paper 4 420

Please read the APA guidlines to ensure it is correctly written Research two articles in the library or on the web that pertain to Cost Analysis & Negotiation Techniques.  You will be required to compare and contrast the goals and objectives, point of view, and bias of the author for both articles.  In your paper, remember to […]

*************For Nyana ONLY***********************

All writing projects must follow the APA 6TH EDITION FORMAT.  If you have not purchased the APA Manual, do so ASAP.  You cannot use the short cut method of downloading, or the small booklet.  If the assignments are not in the proper format they will not be accepted.  Always re-read your work, have the correct Title Page, Abstract, […]

MEMO for Yhomit to do

 The assignment should be no more and no fewer than eight pages. Attach the assignment as a word document.  The assignment must follow the Chicago Style Manual guidelines. Refer to Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th ed.Chicago: University of Chicago Press found at http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/turabian/turabian_citationguide.htm.  All written submissions should be submitted in Times New Roman […]

post Yhomit

What are the main tenants of U.S. cyber policy from a civilian and military sector perspective? What are the strengths and weaknesses? This is your opportunity to take a critical look at current US cyber policy and assess it for its positive aspects as well as the negative. To do this you must first wade through the political […]

2 page Paper Develop a brief doctrine for the current president

Most presidents like to develop a foreign policy doctrine to characterize their administration’s primary foreign policy goal (Bush Doctrine, Monroe Doctrine, Truman Doctrine). Using this unit’s supplemental websites and any other sources you wish, develop a brief doctrine (1-2 pages) for the current president.  Supplemental Websites Avalon Project at Yale Law School   (Links to an […]

Discussion Post American Foreign Policy

Do you believe selective engagement is a smart foreign policy for the US to pursue? Why was the impact of the events of September 11 arguably more devastating that other “spectacular events” discussed in the text? “McCormick, J.M. (2014). American foreign policy & process (11th ed.). Cengage: Boston, MA.”

Importance of Health Care Research

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on the importance of health care research in current times. Use and cite at least two PEER REVIEWED articles to support and exemplify your ideas. Discuss the importance of scientific research as it relates to ONE of these concepts: • The impact of health care research on evidence-based practice • Key components […]

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