Political Science

The Effects of Victimization

This week’s required readings discuss the impact that victimization has on crime victims. Victimization can have long-lasting residual effects. Over the last several decades, our awareness of these effects has been developed through the use of formal and informal reporting networks. Address the following in your initial post: ·         What are two of the residual effects […]

Holistic Victim Restitution Plan Outline

This week’s required readings discuss intimate partner abuse and the residual effects of victimization. Looking ahead to your Holistic Victim Restitution Plan due in upcoming weeks, develop an outline highlighting the major points of your review; this outline can be used in the construction of the body of your Final Paper. As with all well-researched […]

Connecting the Dots: What is an Effective Program?

The text addresses primary, secondary and tertiary prevention programs. What are these levels? Give an example of an effective program in each level. Give a brief description of each program, its intended purpose, and target juvenile population. Why do you think they are effective?

PowerPoint slide A+ work no plagiarizing

In this last assignment, you will present on the issue you identified in Assignment 1 and provide your recommendations to improve or resolve the issue. Create a ten to twelve (10-12) slide presentation in which you: Create a title slide and references section (as indicated in the format requirements below). Narrate each slide, using a […]

Amereican Government “Federal Budget Activity Reflection Essay”

Part 2 – Federal Budget Activity Reflection Essay In at least 500 words answer the following questions: Provide a justification of the budget choices you made within one of the following categories: Defense, Domestic, Social Security, Healthcare (you may NOT choose to focus on the categories labeled: “Budget Path,” “Other,” “Revenue,” or “Tax Expenditures”). In […]

Need back in 7 hour from now

Here’s the work and instructions: FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS…… ·         Discussion Board Forum 2 Topic: From your reading in the Helmick & Petersen text, choose either Article 7 or 8 for your article review. ·         Discussion Board Instructions:  Throughout the course, you will participate in four Discussion Board forums, all of which will be centered around the […]

*********FOR NYANA**********

Assignment 4: DUE Friday 7/21/17 @ 11:00am Turn in a written response of a minimum 250 words for each item( R, E, O, S) below.  Be sure to fully address all the implications of each item.  Although some level of personal commitment to your response is expected, try to avoid excessive use of “I feel…” […]

do in 24 hours

You are the President of the Unites States of America. You must now debate the extremely “hot” topic of how you plan to “fix” affordable health care Act. You are expected to submit recommendations or changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that will NOT hurt the working middle class (specifically) who have and can afford good […]

2 papers one 5 page and one 3 page for a total of 8 pages. Lowest Offer Gets It.

Assignment 4: Professionalism, Accountability, Best Practices, and Ethics in Emergency Management As within any profession, there are rules and standards of conduct in the field of emergency and crisis management.  Write a five to eight (5-6) page paper in which you: 1.      Determine two (2) standardized actions and ethical practices that emergency management practitioners might […]

Respond to Discussion 8

I believe that rebuilding the lives of an established community helps victims rebuild their trust in the civic leaders to help restore what was lost of their lives.  However, I must  argue that,  placing  families back into the path of destruction is irresponsible. In contrast,  I can’t help but recall the devastation of Joplin, Missouri […]

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