Political Science

CRJ 499 Week 3 Discussion

“Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection”  Please respond to the following: In this week’s discussion, answer the following questions… What is motivation? What factors must be considered in maximizing productivity? What are the various theories of motivation? Over the past two weeks, you have shared where you want to work and why. This week, take a […]

wk 2 dis 1 american constitution

Reflect: Congress passes legislation and the president is tasked with implementing that legislation unless the legislation is vetoed. The powers of both the legislative and executive branches were on full display with the passage and implementation of the U.S. Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001– after the events of […]


Please reflect on the relationship between faith, personal discipline, and political integrity. Explain how the Progressive movement and the New Deal Court transformed constitutional interpretation. Briefly give 2 illustrations of how government regulations and/or subsidies (legal plunder, perhaps?) channels behavior and/or distorts markets. 400 WORDS

wk 2 dis 2 american constitution

Reflect: The federal government has many duties, obligations, and powers under the Constitution. Some scholars argue that the reach of the federal government should be limited and constrained. Other scholars argue that the federal government should not be constrained or limited where the welfare of the U.S. people is concerned. For example, in the case, Gonzales v. […]

American Constitution big assignment

The written assignment this week requires you to apply your critical thinking skills and evaluate the impact of federalism on selected topics.Prepare:  For this week’s assignment please review Chapters 1 through 5 in the course text and any other additional articles or videos that will help you prepare for this assignment. Conduct personal research as […]

Reflection Laws

READ How Are Laws Made? from the United States House of Representatives and Government 101: How a Bill Becomes Law from votesmart.org.  Answer the following questions:• Briefly discuss the process of making a bill into law.• What type of bill would you introduce if you could? Why?• Why is it so hard to pass legislation?

****FOR NYANA 7/22******************

Discussion Board Wk 4: Define and distinguish among the three levels of loyalty: personal loyalty, organizational loyalty, and integrated loyalty. What should an honest practitioner do if two levels are in conflict? Make sure you use information from the text to support your information. When citing, please use APA style. Please elaborate on your answer.  […]

Comparative Politics: 8 page paper–TOPIC: Are we in the best, the worst of times or a combination of both?

TOPIC: Are we in the best, the worst of times or a combination of both?  Use information provided throughout this course to support your argument and be sure to follow the rubric below. The Final Paper will be a 10-12 page paper (not including cover page and references), written in APA format, Times New Roman, size 12, […]

Public Policy

Course: Public Policy need it DONE IN 2 HOURS!! Assignment: Problem Recognition Please answer the following questions according to the idea of… The effects of limited affordable housing in Los Angeles What is your policy issue? Why is it a public policy issue? What are the dimensions of the issue (policy type, scale, location, intensity, […]

The Presidency: The Toughest Job on Earth?

For this discussion answer the questions below: What are the presidential powers according to the constitution? What are the roles of the president? Are some more of a figurehead role? Would George Washington agree with the current presidency?

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