Political Science

Presidency or Congress

Directions: Select either the presidency or congress and then answer the following prompts. 1. Discuss the reasons why you made the selection you did. 2. In your opinion, what is the most important power of the branch you selected? Why did you select that one?3. Consider the branch you did not select, how do both […]

The Presidency: The Toughest Job on Earth?

For this discussion answer the questions below: What are the presidential powers according to the constitution? What are the roles of the president? Are some more of a figurehead role? Would George Washington agree with the current presidency?

Respond to discussion

                The federal government, through a series of historical precedents, has an obligation to assist states when an incident “causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under the Stafford Act to supplement the efforts and available resources” (Sylves, 2015, p. 92) of already […]

Facility Research and Selection

Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe your newly designed “outpatient clinic”. Include the following elements in your paper: Summary of your research. Description of types of facilities and services offered in your local community. Description of the facility you have selected. Explanation of the need for the building or renovation. See […]

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Case Study 1: Lizardo versus Denny Inc. NDI  Due Week 3 and worth 50 points Read the description of the case of Lizardo versus Denny Inc. NDI in Chapter 2 of the textbook under Tort Liability. Then, read the appeal of the case found on the Case Law Website, located at http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-2nd-circuit/1405426.html. Write a three […]

Interest Groups and State Government Presentation

Consider this scenario: You are working as an aide for a representative in your state legislature, and he or she has asked you for a summary of information on a particular interest group. Use the following instructions to prepare your 12 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to the representative                      Provide […]

Selecting Research Approaches

This discussion will help you think about the varied research approaches and how they can be applied based on certain world views or the nature of the groups you wish to research. By choosing the best approach from the start, researchers are much more likely to get the best results to answer research questions. In […]

320 WK3 rly

 Responses should be a minimum of 250 words  Simple question…should the intel cycle be changed to reflect new threat vectors. Dr Joe 

311 wk 3 rly

Response should be a minimum of 250 words Thanks for the post.  You wrote that, ‘ Secondly, terrorists are also likely to change their strategy after the hardening of the U.S. border and start targeting countries with less secure borders. (Andreas, 2009).” This was written in 2009….that was 8 years ago. Has anything changed since it was published? […]


302 FINAL ·           ·           ·         Assignment List ·         Final Assignment Assignment Details Top of Form Assignment Instructions This written assignment is comprised of addressing two specific topics related to homeland security. For each topic, the student is expected to develop a 3 page essay that provides the following information:   Topic 1: What are the capabilities […]

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