Political Science

To complete this assignment, prepare an essay in which you respond to each of the prompts listed below. I recommend…

To complete this assignment, prepare an essay in which you respond to each of the prompts listed below. I recommend answering each prompt in its own paragraph. This structure provides you with a 6-paragraph format in which you can meet or exceed the minimum word count requirement. How did the policy choices differ among the […]

US Government

The concept of Federalism is the idea of a separation of power between multiple governments.  It is a covenant and an agreement between these entities to share power and authority. In the case of the United States, this agreement is governance at the local, state, and federal level. Please review your work this week and […]


Details: The course was divided into three parts. In part one, the content entailed the foundation of Texas government. Within part one, we discussed the culture of Texas politics and the constitution. In part two, we covered the 3 branches of government. Lastly, in part three, we discussed the outside influencers. These entities impact the […]

4 page single spaced paper Paula Hog Only

4 pagee single space, proof read, information attach. Must be 2200 word in the BODY of the paper. Please let me know if you need anything else. Here are links and info you wil need.   https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2015-12-14/putins-power-play-syria https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/ukraine/2016-04-18/why-putin-took-crimea


 560 For your third Article Review, you may choose either Article 14 or Article 16 from the Helmick & Petersen text.  You will be responsible for writing four Article Reviews that are based on articles chosen from the Helmick & Petersen text.  You’ll notice that the make-up of this assignment is exactly like that of the thread […]

discussion board and reply

550 class 350 words board 4 The juvenile justice system covers a number of categories of children: delinquent, undisciplined, dependent, neglected, abused, and status offender. As a result, the law has sought to adapt the rights, institutions, and treatment options available to an increasingly diverse juvenile population – gangs, substance abuse, mental health concerns, sexual […]

5 post

Topic: Radical Islam and the Threat to America Thread Prompt: Investigative journalist Steve Emerson originally documented the existence of jihad in America. Then, Brian Jenkins found 46 publicly recorded attacks or attempted attacks from radicalized individuals between 9/11/2001 and December 2009. More recently, Ryan Mauro and the Clarion Project exposed radical Islamic groups inside America. Do you agree […]

No rush. $7.00

Assignment 2: Briefing Report Due Week 4 and worth 100 points Review the briefing report titled “Federal Protective Service: Actions needed to resolve delays and inadequate oversight issues with FPS’s risk assessment and management program” located at http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d11705r.pdf. Most of the changes that have taken place within the Federal Protective Service (FPS) have been reactive […]

government unit 3 wk 3 part 1

What is the difference between official and unofficial information? In the context of the Riverbend City scenario, describe the implications of these two types of information in relation to government credibility, and in relation to the ability of officials to communicate effectively.

unit 3 wk 3 part 2

Imagine that you are a public administration consultant who has been invited to the final meeting that occurs at the end of the scenario. Write a memo to the mayor and his staff with recommendations for how to best handle this situation. Be sure to address the main idea that is already on the table: […]

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