Political Science

Veteran Video Discussion

VIEW one of the veteran’s stories at the Library of Congress’ link: http://www.loc.gov/vets/stories/afam-nextgen.html. Provide a brief overview of the veteran’s story you chose to view, then answer the following questions: What was the most important message you received from the video? Would the veteran you chose feel that the Bill of Rights protected them? Do […]

db 6

Topic: Homeland Security Thread Prompt: Following the homegrown jihadist terrorist attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino, there is a growing debate about the relationship between community policing and homeland security. Is community policing a tool that should be applied to homeland security? Why or why not? at least 400 words

Police Misconduct: An International Comparison

Review the Interpol web page on Corruption (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and evaluate Interpol’s international policing and ways Interpol is investigating these crimes.  1.What is Interpol’s definition of corruption?  2.Would you change anything about the definition provided by Interpol?  3. Compare police misconduct in the United States to police misconduct in other countries. […]

US government discussion

Identify at least three effects on political ideologies that arise from the existence of only two major political parties in the U.S.

Have you this book? : Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans and The Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas

This is going to be a “reflection paper” and here are the instructions she gave us: ·       A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read and experienced ·       A reflection paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas […]

Ethics and Criminal Justice

Research and locate a current-events article or video that, like the example article from Tulsa World, depicts ethical or unethical practices that have occurred within a policing agency, court system, or correctional facility. Share a link to the news story or video and answer the following questions: What were the ethical or unethical actions that […]

Justice: Varying Perspectives

Throughout this course, you have examined multiple ethical theories, among them: utilitarianism, deontological, normative ethics, ethical relativism, natural law, virtue theory, and so forth. Chapter 13 in your textbook presents three additional ethical theories: ethical egoism, hedonism, and Stoicism. Explore the normative and analytical philosophies of morality and criminal justice in Duff’s Theories of Criminal Law (Links […]

Ethics in Criminal Justice Technology

Each advance in technology brings with it moral questions about its application in the modern world. The ability of police and other agencies to monitor what were once private conversations and communications raises serious ethical questions about the right to privacy and the government’s “need to know.” Information Technology and Moral Values (Links to an external site.)Links […]

standards for Moral Conduct in Criminal Justice

As you have learned throughout this course, the criminal justice field demands moral conduct from all participants. In your Final Paper, you will create a set of core, ethical beliefs and moral requirements for people engaged in your line of work, or your intended line of work (Criminal Investigator).  In your paper, Compile a comprehensive […]

Policy writing essay exam

Need someone do creative in writing big professional words and address issues plus follow the instructions exactly. it my final exam. The book is etexbook I will attach it. If you know what you doing you will be okay to A this. i need perfect work no rush or copy paste Due time 40 hrs. […]

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