Political Science

PPA 603 Government Budgeting Week 5

Week 5 Discussion 1 State Government Levy Tariffs on Imports Why not have State governments levy tariffs on imports, or tax other states’ products. Would this be a sensible way to raise revenues? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Provide research support for your positions. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings. Week 5 […]

Policy Issue journal breakdown

Complete sentences with well thought out explanation. Sources must be cited in APA format. Scholarly sources only.  Please use the questions as headers and respond under with minimum 1-2 paragraphs. Quality not quantity. KEEP IN MIND ISSUES ARE NOT AGENDAS. Must answer all questions.  YOU MAY USE attached SLIDES TO HELP YOU RESPOND ACCORDINGLY. Search […]

journal 18-25,,,Essay 2 –5pages long,,,,,,discussion 4

Journal Activity 18 Cahn & Abigail 11 – Work with it #1 – p.  263   Journal Activity 19 Cahn  & Abigail 12 – Work with it #  1 – p. 291 Journal Activity 20 Cahn & Abigail 12 – Discuss it  #1  p. 291  – Journal Activity 21 Cahn & Abigail 12 – Think […]


Thread Prompt: In the Middle East, Israel has responded to terrorism with several controversial counter-terrorist polices to include a wall and selective assassinations. The U.S. policy on the use of drones selectively targeting individuals such as Anwar al-Awlaki could also be considered selective assassination. Do the controversial tactics utilized by Israel work? Why or why […]

GOVT 480 db replies

Nicole Taylor Community Policing Collapse            There has been a shift in focus from community policing to homeland security since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  Because of this, there has been a reduction in financial support for community policing efforts as the funding for homeland security as increased.  Research suggests that community policing funding […]

see case attached – i need it today in 7-8 hours

No plagiarism Instructions: Which of the political philosophers, Locke, Hobbes, or More, do you judge most successful in grappling with the great problems of their age, and why? To explain your answer, compare and contrast their political philosophies and the strengths and weaknesses of all three approaches.Number of Pages/ slides: 2 PagesDeadline: 8 hoursAcademic Level: […]

2 quick pages due in 4 hours

No plagiarism Instructions: Which of the political philosophers, Locke, Hobbes, or More, do you judge most successful in grappling with the great problems of their age, and why? To explain your answer, compare and contrast their political philosophies and the strengths and weaknesses of all three approaches.Number of Pages/ slides: 2 PagesDeadline: 4 hoursAcademic Level: […]

STAT 2023G2 – The type of government in which citizens

Question1. The type of government in which citizens elect representatives who decide policies on behalf of their constituents, sometimes called a “representative democracy” is also known as a (Points : 5)republicautocracygovernment by the fewmonarchy2. Why is it clear that there is a separation of church and state? (Points : 5)Because religious freedom is declared in […]

302 wk4 reply

Instructions:  Please respond to the following students POST OF THIS WEEKS WORK. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions. Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. Sources utilized to support answers are to be cited in accordance with the […]

320 wk4 reply

Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade. I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on your topics!   Instructions: Please respond […]

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