Political Science

300 WK4 Reply

As in past forums, please be sure to read the postings of your fellow students. To earn maximum points you will need to engage at least two other students and you will need, as always, to have thoughtful, fact-packed, and well-reasoned postings that add value and knowledge for the class. Please respond to the following […]

320 wk4 reply

Please respond to the Forum questions listed below. You are expected to give complete answers using MORE than simply what you read in class. This course requires outside research and this is a critical element of your grade. I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on your topics!   Instructions: Please respond […]

Voice for hte People

Write a two to three-page, double-spaced paper that answers the questions below: 1. Why is there a need for interest groups in the U.S. political system?2. How do interest groups and polls work together to create a voice for the people of the United States?3. Would you join a group? Why or why not?4. Refrain […]


Explain the development of the annual President’s Budget and the Congressional Budget process. View Full Description and Attachment(s) How do the president’s personal budgetary styles and roles affect federal budgeting? Give at least two examples using the book or other sources. Use different examples than your classmates. Why does Congress have a budget resolution? Is […]

Why Should We Care?

VIEW What is an Exit Poll? and Do Respondents Lie in Polls for Fear of Being Labeled a Racist? both hosted by NBC Learn.  Consider these two topics: What is an Exit Poll? Is it possible that people lie during polling? Why or why not? (I’ll post login details when signing the agreement)


Assignment 4:  Week 4: Term Project Part 2 – Abstract and Detailed Outline The topic for your paper has to come from one of the course learning objectives. Explain the development of the annual President’s Budget and the Congressional Budget process That means read the learning objectives and you decide which one might lend itself […]

Local Government Issues Presentation

Select a local government within the state of Maryland to analyze. You may select either an urban, suburban, or rural government to review. Prepare a 12- to 15 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation WITH SPEAKER NOTES addressing the following: Describe which area you chose: urban, suburban, or rural. Briefly describe the area’s demographics and characteristics. Describe the local form of […]

Reflection: Court Cases

VIEW Supreme Court’s Birth Control Ruling Is Limited hosted by NBC Learn and READ BOLI issues Final Order on Sweet Cakes discrimination case from the State of Oregon. Consider these two cases and the rulings for each.  Answer the following questions:• Briefly discuss both cases. • What were the differences in these cases? • Why […]

Political Socialization

•    Discuss political socialization and how it happens. •    Do you agree that political socialization can change as we get older? Why or why not? •    Would it be fair to say that children with politically active parents are more likely to also be politically active? Why or why not? No Page requirement

Interest Group Research

READ Public Opinion Polling from The Reader’s Companion to American Historyand then respond to the following. • How has polling changed over the years? • Consider why people would lie when being polled and discuss these reasons.

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