
Individual: Usability and Accessibility Test

Perform a usability test on your website home page. Develop questions and work with a peer to answer questions on your site usability. Run an automated accessibility test on the home page of your school website. Use both the WebAim Wave ( and ATRC AChecker ( automated tests. Describe the differences in the way these […]

Two parts assignment: Read accounting resources and case then answer some question.(SEC, KPMG)

Assignment Item 1: Overstated income (overstated revenues, understated expenses or a combination) is an area of concern to the SEC. Go to and locate an enforcement release where there is a discussion of overstated income and issues with the audit or auditor. Prepare a memo to explain why the SEC had an issue with […]

use the link pick a case about the overstated income and prepare a memo

Assignment Item 1

Another array question dealing with a return method

Write a method called arrayAvg that accepts as an argument an array of numbers and returns the average of the numbers in that array. Create an array to test your code with and call the method from main to print the average to the screen.

Coding Arrays in Java

1)Writea program that asks the user forseveral days’ temperatures and computes the average temperature for thatperiod and how manydays were above average. First ask the user for how many days heshewants to calculate the average for. Then create an array with that number andask for the temperature of each day. Store the temps in the […]

Writing a program !

I need help with this program. Please, include all Program fully documented, input, output, Program design sheet.

Discussion: The Growing Significance of Data and Databases

Read through the article below. Focus on why this has become a hot topic in the business world.… After reviewing this resource, discuss the following: 1) Describe why big data has become a hot topic in the business world.2) Pick a company and explain what it does.3) Identify an example of one table of […]

Response from Peer

When responding to your peers, comment on possible problems for a particular company or industry sector when data is not well managed. Peer Response: Describe why big data has become a hot topic in the business world Well, I can say from experience as well as echo what the article stated which is that its […]

basic HTML page code

First a movies page with 3 list of best movies in a table(year, date of release , why this is the best movie) included in the table. Then My hobbies page with three hobbies .. we have to link the my movies page in my hobbies and external link provided. I would like to get […]

read Fraud Case and answer 3 questions, and the questions related auditing!!

Read 2 pages Fraud Case, then answer 3 question(format: Bullet points with explanations) Also, the answer must related with our class study( Accounting, Auditing), I post the PPT( Fraud risk) for use.

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