
Open source

From your knowledge and experience, discuss two technologies that can be used to integrate data from a database into a Web application. One technology must be open source. The other technology must be proprietary. In your own words: Identify each technology as open source or proprietary. Compare and contrast the ability of the two technologies […]

use the link in the doc to answer the questions

due tomorrow .…aca

Principal of Finance I

Principles of Finance I Complete the following textbook questions: Chapter 4: Questions 4-1 through 4-5 on page 183 Chapter 5: Questions 5-1 through 5-5 on page 231 Business School Assignment Instructions The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: Write between 750 â 1,250 words (approximately 3 â 5 […]

he Jurisdiction of the Courts” Please respond to the following:

“The Jurisdiction of the Courts” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, propose at least three (3) rules that you would use in order to choose the more appropriate court (state or federal) for the hearing of a particular case. Discuss the reasoning for your choice of jurisdiction of the court in each case. […]

SQL statements and SQL script

This assignment has two parts: Hands-on lab Course project Part IâHands-on Lab For the hands-on lab, you will submit a Microsoft Access database and a Microsoft Word document with SQL statements for the following: Create a new Microsoft Access database named Travel. Note that Microsoft Access does not support the use of SQL scripts to […]

SQL Performance Tuning

SQL Performance Tuning In this assignment, you will learn about solutions and strategies for improving the performance of SQL queries. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research the following: SQL performance tuning Programming with SQL Based on your research and understanding, complete the following tasks: Evaluate the given statement and discuss some […]

Discussion Post 2

Read through the article below. Focus on why this has become a hot topic in the business world.… After reviewing this resource, discuss the following: 1) Describe why big data has become a hot topic in the business world.2) Pick a company and explain what it does.3) Identify an example of one table of […]

one page paper ACCOUNTING

Lou Hoskins and Shirley Crothers are organizing Red Lodge Metals Unlimited Inc. to undertake a high-risk gold-mining venture in Canada. Lou and Shirley tentatively plan to request authorization for 400,000,000 shares of common stock to be sold to the general public. Lou and Shirley have decided to establish par of $0.03 oer share in order […]

information system technology-101. Identify two YouTube videos,also Read Chapter6 and answer 2 Qusti

Read Chapter 6 Review Chapter 6 PPT Identify at least two YouTube videos about how to select a digital camera until you understand how to select a best digital camera and would be able to make recommendations for beginning camera users. Answer the following questions (Be brief and submit answer/work sheet in class on 7/17) […]

Fundamental Quantitative Concepts Exercises

Instructions 1. You have ten problems – one on each tab of this Excel file. 2. Please show your work in the cells. Use Excel formulas instead of writing the values/answers directly in the cell. The instructor will then know where you made a mistake and provide you valuable feedback and partial credit (if appropriate). […]

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