
Week 4 discussion- rickettsia rickettsiae | microbiology

-APA format, -300 words minimum      answer these question   -what type of microbe it is    -what disease does it causes   -where and when it was discovered the signs and symptoms of disease, transmission, course of the disease, virulence factors, laboratory diagnosis,treatments, [prevention and sequelae.    references are from    -microbiology- a system approach-sixth edition     – the article is […]

W5: multiple land use and conflict resolution

  This is such a controversial topic, I’d like for each of you to research conflict management online and see if you can find a specific conflict management tool or process – then discuss how it can apply to multiple-use land conflicts. Be sure to be creative and properly cite your sources so we can […]

Cap | Biology homework help

  Help  mental health and social work Students will create a professional multimedia presentation discussing their research process from start to finish. Presentations should be created in Prezi, YouTube, Screencast-o-matic, or Voice Thread. Presentation must include an introduction of the topic (stating the purpose of your research paper clearly)/problem you are addressing, a brief literature […]

Superfund | Biology homework help

  Instructions What is Superfund? If a remedy (that is, a proposed cleanup project) leaves hazardous materials on a site, what standard must it meet? Is Superfund cleanup an issue for which we should bend environmental regulations to achieve its goals? Support your opinions with facts and include actual Superfund site examples.

3 multiple use management | Biology homework help

 Download the Homework 3 Word document. Answer all questions fully, cite all references in proper APA format, and upload them here for grading by the established deadline. The topic for homework 3 is “Multiple-Use Land Management”.  After reading this week’s assigned information on multiple lands uses on National Forest lands, be sure to demonstrate your ability […]

Public perception of diseases – ebov (ebola zaire) – 175 words | SCI250 Microbiology | University of Phoenix

  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  Public perception of infectious diseases is managed and mismanaged through a variety of channels. Sometimes the population may have knowledge of a disease only from seeing a movie. Choose a highly contagious disease. Compare the scientific information about it with how its effects are […]

Case study | Biology homework help

  Instructions Please research the website of the federal land management agency of your choice.  Discuss a program they have currently that includes activities on public lands. Compare the program to what you have learned in the course academically. Present your findings in a 6-10 page Case Study document created in Word (double spaced, 10–12 […]

Ha415 health care policy and economics

  Instructions Create a visual depiction using any tool you wish (graphs, charts, figures, pictures or PowerPoint) to explain the process of how ideas become regulations and rules and how rules and regulations become policy and laws on the local, state, and national levels for the nursing home industry. Research the path of how local, […]

W6: federal land policy and management act

  Read the article by Nolen (1996) regarding the pre-and post-Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) planning by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) found in your reading materials for this week. Think about how these processes are different and how they are similar.  Then, post your initial discussion comments regarding the land management […]

Public perception of diseases – thought response – 200 words | SCI250 Microbiology | University of Phoenix

   Reply to two prompts in 100 words each. No sites needed, these are just thoughts on the prompts.     (Original prompt for you consideration, Public perception of infectious diseases is managed and mismanaged through a variety of channels. Sometimes the population may have knowledge of a disease only from seeing a movie. Choose a highly […]

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