Answers should be double spaced; 11-12 font size; standard margins. Proper grammar and paragraph format is expected. All answers should be written in complete sentences. Files should be submitted as .pdf, .rtf, .doc OR .docx only. All assignments should be submitted via the SafeAssignment tool in Blackboard. No attachments via email or Blackboard Messages will […]
Here is the information accumulated by a real livestock manager for a common scenario. What species would you suggest be utilized and why? Your thoughts on this scenario are to be posted for the class to read. After a few weeks of time to read the thoughts of others, please write your final suggestions […]
Go to the and register for an account if you don’t already have one. Once you are registered, complete the following trainings and earn a certificate: Course ID 1042734 Introduction to Surveillance (E is for Epi, Session 4.1) Course ID 1059676 Public Health 101 Series – Introduction to Public Health Informatics Course ID 1059516 Public […]
To get full credit for this Discussion Board, you must submit an initial post and respond to at least one classmate’s posting following the guidelines given below.After completing all three lessons, respond to one of the following using the guidelines given below. In your post, indicate if you are responding to A, B or C.A. What topic […]
The topic I would like to research is stability in ecosystems. Explore Topics Begin by exploring several possibilities, such as types of organisms that interest you, their roles in their communities, and the ecosystems in which they live. Find out what kinds of research have been done on your topic or a similar […]
Select a threatened or endangered species native to California or to Baja California and describe the reasons why its population has dwindled to the point that its survival is threatened or endangered and the actual efforts being made to save it.
Unit 1: Discussion 2 4545 unread replies.4545 replies. You are required to post your initial answers by WEDNESDAY and your follow-up comments on the postings of your classmates are due on SUNDAY at midnight. Please be sure that your comments to peers are substantive (see the Grading Rubric below). You should have a minimum of two postings for each […]
Due in 6 hours. Dewormer resistance is a HUGE problem in small ruminants, and unfortunately, no new dewormers are being released to treat the infections. Please read the following paper on parasite resistance. Once you have read the paper, write a 5-10 sentence summer. Then give your opinion on how we can educate farmers on […]
The drugs described in this chapter have different effects in the CNS. Which one seems to be the most addictive, and why? Additionally, why is alcohol considered the most influential drug on society? Use a quote from the chapter 5 support your position in the discussion. List the page number and the topic heading (if […]
Superfood” is a popular buzzword you’ve probably seen on health blogs, in grocery stores, and from well-meaning friends. And every year, there’s a new trending “superfood”. Whether the latest fad is a rare fruit from the Amazon or a seed that cures every disease known to man, most superfoods build on hype, not evidence […]