Eng 130: Essay for ENG 130: Descriptive Writing This assignment focuses on your ability to: research academic and reliable sources; translate the information from those sources into a cohesive piece of writing; respond creatively to artwork. The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student and a career professional, and individual, you will often […]
Due In 4 hours from now. The paper must be a word document, .doc, .docx, or a rich text format .rtf, I cannot open other formats, and if I cannot open the paper, I cannot grade it. The paper must be written in past tense. References must be from professional psychology journals, not books, magazines, […]
Prompt: Write a paper about the qualities of an effective ethical strategic leader. Strategic leadership includes the ability to anticipate events, envision possibilities, maintain flexibility, and empower others to create strategic change. Include biblical references. Requirements: 3,500 words minimum (content) APA-compliant formatting, including title and reference pages Include Biblical Foundations application section (500 words of the […]
Assignment Instructions Instructions: Be sure to read the required reading for this week as it will help guide you through the process of analyzing a problem. It is by Catherine Savini and is linked here as well as in the lesson’s Reading and Resources section. “Looking for Trouble: Finding Your Way into a Writing […]
Reading Drama Here are some ideas, seen before in our reading of short stories, that apply to reading fiction in general: become familiar with the vocabulary. Think about multiple meanings for one word. Read with a pencil and underline odd or unfamiliar words. Read with a dictionary nearby. remain engaged while reading. Write notes to […]
Read the introduction and chapter one of Sara Wachter-Boettcher’s book Technically wrong: sexist apps, biased algorithms, and other threats of toxic tech and watch the short video I upload it already. Here is the link for the video: In a short paper, respond to the following prompts. Make sure you use complete, clear sentences […]
Post your tentative thesis statement for your literary analysis essay on Sula. Remember that a thesis takes a position about your topic. You are making a kind of argument, an argument that supports a particular analysis of the novel. Gregor’s transformation highlights his isolation and alienation before his metamorphosis. Or Despite having become an insect, […]
Chapter 4 outlines three ways to respond to others. They also provide you with templates for practicing each of these strategies. 1. Identify which of the three methods you like best and then explain why. Other questions to consider as you do so: Which method is most suited to your own writing style? Which do […]
Essay Question: Modern writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Kate Chopin and contemporary writer Zadie Smith were reacting to an increasingly complex and changing world; there was a sense that “new ideas needed to be expressed in new ways,” and often their stories were told in “…very gritty or realistic ways” (Kirszner & Mandell 126-127). How […]
Read the attached file and write a 150-250 word for each of the questions below. The question are based on Gee’s “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics.” Please use plenty of textual evidence to support your answers when applicable. Since some of you are using different versions of the textbook, please cite using paragraph number instead of […]