1) George Clinton and Parliament utilized business and artistic concepts from both James Brown and glam rock acts. How did this provide a unique approach to funk music? Are they influential to later acts? Are they still influential? 2) Corporate rock artists realized the potential for maximizing popularity by doing stadium tours rather than smaller, […]
One page essay based on Smil article predicting which culture – US, EU, Russia, China, India, Iran, or other of your choice – will be ascendant 100 years from now. Support your prediction with data from the Smil article. Include at end of essay the Smil article as a reference using APA format. Reference site […]
DISCUSSION: What is the outcome of conducting a market opportunity analysis? Examine two components of the MOA and assess how each contributes to an effective IMC. Incorporate concepts and examples from this week’s lecture in your post. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. EDWARDS DISCUSSION: After conducting a market opportunity analysis […]
Recall the two presidential speeches that were given by both President Obama and President Reagan, respectively. Note that these two presidents used the Rogerian method of argumentation to not only win over those who agreed with their viewpoints, but also to win over those who held different views. Think about a national or international […]
For this Writer’s Notebook, you should construct an outline for your next assignment by following these instructions: Take a moment to look ahead to your next assignment. You are asked to write an extended visual analysis. Take a little while to browse the images available to you and choose one that will be the subject […]
scenario-Amber, Savannah, and Stephen work for Knowledge, Inc. (a consulting company). While on a conference call with Tim Rice Photography (an established client), the group discusses potential problems with a marketing campaign. Tim Rice, lead photographer and owner of Tim Rice Photography, is insistent the marketing is working and changes are not needed. Amber reaches […]
Read these three articles. 1- http://neatoday.org/2013/07/18/with-little-funding-or-support-community-college-students-dropping-out/ 2- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-attn-andrea-education-dropouts-idUSBRE82Q0Y120120327 3- Article#3 has been attached to this assignment. After reading the articles, you will first complete a detailed outline. 1- For the outline you should determine ONE main effect that is evident and the TWO causes that led up to it from the readings. 2- Use […]
Here is the test please read it no outside sources Things take longer to happen than you think they will, but then they happen much faster than you thought they could. The destructive impacts of the climate crisis are now following the trajectory of that economics maxim as horrors long predicted by scientists are becoming […]
create an arguable thesis statement First, consider what you know how to do well. It can be lighthearted or serious, but you are an expert. Second, which audience would be the best for your essay? How much does your audience know about this subject already? create an outline for your essay. You need an introduction […]
As a junior manager for your organization, you’ve been selected to launch the organization’s new recycling effort. As part of the “Think Green” initiative, you must give a 10-15 minute presentation to the entire workforce of 75-80 employees, and you will use not fewer than three PowerPoint slides to illustrate and contribute to the […]