
Explore google earth | Geography homework help

This activity is based on exploring the effects of climate change on the Antarctic ice sheet using satellite images from Google Earth. You will learn how to use Google Earth for scientific purposes. You will be able to visually identify how glacial ice advances and/or retreats.   in the SEARCH menu on the left of […]

Understanding culture | Geography homework help

People often go through life without having made any connection to cultures besides their own. This not only hinders one’s personal development but it also limits one’s ability to fully grasp the nature of other people’s lives. In this assignment, you will explore a culture of your choice, one that you might want to know […]

Geography discussion | Geography homework help

The Russian Domain   (Pick 1 of the 3 Questions to answer)  Question 1: Compare and contrast Russia’s Economic Geography with the Economic Geographies of other regions. What makes Russia’s Economic Geography so unique? Question 2: Identify the specific parts of Russia’s Political Geography. If you could choose one region/city to live in Russia, which one would it be and why? Question […]

Discussion essay on geography | Geography homework help

400 words discussion essay.   Please read the journal article (PDF under week 7 assignments) and news releases listed below about how “Tornado Alley” may be shifting.  Briefly discuss how and why weather patterns in the Tornado Alley and Midwest are changing.  How might people have to adjust and plan their living situations differently due […]

Geo | Geography homework help

PART I – Short Response: Answer in 1-2 paragraphs     The Korean War unofficially ended in 1953, resulting in the Communist North and Democratic South Korean states being divided by the Demilitarized Zone. How has the reclusive North Korean “juche” or communist government affected the geography of Southeast Asia? Consider economics, politics, culture, and […]

Cultural geo | Geography homework help

Pretend you are a travel writer.  Your assignment is to write about a landscape or place that you have visited that you think others might enjoy. It can be local, national, or international. It can be a city, town, country, state, island, region,  or other location. It can be anywhere that you have lived or […]

Stream channels and point bars are more “active” depositional sites.

Stream channels and point bars are more “active” depositional sites. Stream channel deposits may have pebbles and cobbles whereas sediments on the adjacent point bars are normally composed of sand. Typical sedimentary structures include small dunes and ripples. Explain the consistent difference in grain size between channel and point-bar sediments.

Geography discussion | Geography homework help

 East  Asia is a realm of great cities, including many of the largest in the  world. Names like Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai represent the mega city  phenomenon like few others.  Upon closer examination, however, one  notices that the countries of this realm display a range of urbanization  levels from very high (Japan and South Korea) […]

Write a short geography essay

   Find and discuss the “geography” in some non-geographic and non-news article source.  Examples of types of work that you might select include fiction, non-fiction, a work of art, a song, an academic article or a selection from a non-geography textbook.  The “geography” that you are looking for should be some discussion in which space, […]

Which factors appear to be responsible for the delay action international community in response to the genocide in Rwanda?

Which factors appear to be responsible for the delay action international community in response to the genocide in Rwanda?

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