1. Write a paper that would discuss what the earth would be like if Earth didn’t have an atmosphere. Your paper should be at least 3 paragraphs long. Describe 10 ways Earth would be different; support it with facts from your researchc Explain how this change would affect you and whyc Create a bibliography with […]
Agriculture Esssay Carefully read Chapter 10: Agriculture and Review power point on D2L for Chapter 10 Agriculture. Watch You Tube links (5 parts 15 minutes each) called “Bullshit! (GMO’s)” about genetically modified food and Vandana Shiva’s fight against multinational food corporations and the loss of biodiversity. Here are the 5 links for Bullshit! (GMO’s). […]
Hi, I have an assignment that i need help with. choose at least 3 images (and maximum of 5) to represent your place. These images should relate to the reasons you want to live in this place. If the image is not yours (meaning you didn’t take the picture), be sure to cite your […]
Knowledge management (KM) is made up of a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. This assignment will focus on how Knowledge Management has allowed organizations to share knowledge. Write a short paper about the application of Knowledge Management. Brainstorm how […]
InstructionsThe purpose of this assignment is to analyze a current event article about global digital ethical issues from a multi-national corporation perspective. This assignment is designed to increase your knowledge from a corporate viewpoint and enable you to analyze digital ethical issues from a current GLOBAL situation or event. This will also enhance your research, […]
RESEARCH ESSAY QUESTION Push and pull factors in Syrian migration. Question Syria has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011. Since the beginning of that war, “more than two million” refugees have fled their homes and many migrants have left the country (Yardley and Pianigiani 2013; Semple 2014). While many of the people migrate […]
is research assignment is designed to challenge the student to be creative as well as demonstrate subject matter knowledge. You are also challenged to learn a new skill/practice an existing skill in applying PowerPoint (or OpenOffice) software to your research. You will not find the “answer” for this assignment in the text or any other […]
Time management in online learning is a challenge for many students. Think about areas where you might experience your greatest time management challenges. What strategies might you employ to overcome them? Additionally, if you discovered challenges in your learning communication style, what strategies might you apply to overcome those as well? To Prepare: Download […]
The amazing, surprising, Africa-driven demographic future of theEarth, in 9 charts – The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2013/07/16/the-amazing-surprising-africa-driven-demographic-future-of-the-earth-in-9-charts/ Home-cooked family dinners: A major burden for working mothers. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2014/09/03/home_cooked_family_dinners_a_major_burden_for_working_mothers.html The Historic Reversal of Populations | Inter Press Service http://www.ipsnews.net/2016/08/the-historic-reversal-of-populations/ Italy’s ‘Fertility Day’ Call to Make Babies Arouses Anger, Not Ardor –NYTimes.com http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/09/14/world/europe/italy-births-fertility-europe.html?_r=1&referer=http://moodle.wou.edu/pluginfile.php/4466/course/section/827/106%20Syllabus.pdf Based on the […]
In this paper, describe Hurricane Katrina, its strength by the “Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale,” and the extent of its damage, and the losses to the cities involved. What are some suggestions to prevent a repeat of the tragedy of New Orleans and other coastal cities in the wake of this event? Page Requirements: 2- 3 pages […]