
Applications of dating techniques | Geography homework help

Write a paragraph summary of the best applications of numerical dating techniques for a tree log buried in a Holocene flood and a Permian felsic volcanic unit. Refer to your textbook reading.   APA FORMAT/ NO PLAGARISM   ATTENTION CLASS: Please use the worksheet questions below in place of writing a one page paper for this […]

Geography homework | Geography homework help

Google Earth uses two file formats: KML and KMZ. A KMZ file is a compressed Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file used to store location information, text links and other data used in the Google Earth mapping application. KML and KMZ files are essential the same, except that the KMZ is a compressed version of a […]

Within 24 hours | Geography homework help

Hello,   The second and final paper of the semester is based on the following attachments. Please thoroughly read the attached material. You can organize your paper in whatever way you would like but please be sure to address all of the points/questions, based on the attached articles.   If you just look up this information online, […]

Your business sponsor is not familiar with earned value management (EVM). You have been asked to provide him with a quick overview of EVM. Using the information covered in the online readings, suggest the top three (3) EVM performance measures you wou

Your business sponsor is not familiar with earned value management (EVM). You have been asked to provide him with a quick overview of EVM. Using the information covered in the online readings, suggest the top three (3) EVM performance measures you wou

el nino vs. la nina

describe each Figure in on one body paragraph  I’ve described the last figure I need description in one body paragraph and don’t forget introduction and conclusion. like this below  1- introduction  2- body   a- El Nino vs. La Nina: …..   b- Sea Surface Temperatures: …….     c- Impact on Weather: USA weather during El Nino is […]

Pollution | Geography homework help

There is a concern in your community regarding the environment.  You’ve been tasked to research and present the concerns to your local or state government. Perform an internet search to identify an instance of environmental pollution in your state. Create a 525 to 700-word proposal. Identify the effects of this pollution on human health and the […]

Assignment 1: applications of the scientific method due week 4 and

  Week 4 Assignment 1 – Submit Here Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 1: Applications of the Scientific MethodDue Week 4 and worth 160 points The scientific method is useful in problem solving and decision-making […]

For madam professor only | Geography homework help

  Identify one of several available map projections. Why was this map projection developed? For what is it used? 100 word count     What is the shape of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and how do the terms aphelion and perihelion apply to the seasons exhibited on earth? How is this different than appogee and perigee 100 word count. […]

Non-plagarized-pol 415 (world geography) analytical 6-page paper

Write an original, plagarism-free, six-page analysis of a country. The number of pages does not include the cover page, footnotes, and bibliography. The paper will conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style and use Times New Roman twelve-point font. Students will examine the impact of globalization on the country selected. Students will use […]

Essay 4 pages | Geography homework help

   The Link for the book: The Control of Nature Write an essay in response to the following statement. It should be typed and double-spaced and a maximum of four pages. Please edit the essay for grammatical and stylistic errors. In The Control of Nature, John McPhee carefully documents our attempt to control the […]

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