
Forum for hazard research presentations

Every student needs to prepare and verbally present one hazard research report during the semester. The objective of this activity is for students to get to know one another personally, discuss science in a fun context, and earn science discussion credit. A Hazard Research Presentation is a 5+ minute presentation. It is okay to go […]

Variation among disciplines in science writing assignment/ due in 23

Please type your thoughts and reflections on differences and similarities between the scientific process involved in the two modules you experienced this semester.  This is NOT to be a summary of climate change or the other topic; you are to write about how the scientific process has brought us to our current understanding of these […]

Just by visual examination of the two maps, what types of transformative operations will have to be performed to the…

Just by visual examination of the two maps, what types of transformative operations will have to be performed to the…

Dietary analysis part2 | Geography homework help

4.  Open this file to complete the rest of the assignment.  Using the Nutrition Report above, fill in the Average Eaten columns of Tables 1 and 2 of the file you just opened.  To fill in Table 1, Energy and Macronutrients (percent of calories), use the top of the report as shown below.  You will need […]

Lab 07: glacial landscapes | Geography homework help

INTRODUCTION This module examines glacial processes and features. Topics includecontinental and alpine glaciation, ablation and accumulation, cirques, drumlins, kettles, kames and moraine. While these topics may appear to be disparate, you will learn how they are inherently related.The modules start with five opening topics, or vignettes, which are found in the accompanying Google Earth file. […]

South korea | Geography homework help

Project Description: The session long project (SLP) consists of an investigation of a country: it can be either an industrialized country (other than the United States), or an advanced developing country (like China); please do not choose a developing country (like Iraq). The relationship between the country’s health and demographics will be addressed. SLP #2: […]

Need help sub-saharan africa, australia,oceania, and antartica

1. With respect to global connections, association with _______ offers the brightest immediate future formany African countries.A. IndiaB. the European Union.C. ChinaD. the United States.2. Slum areas called shantytowns occur in _________ major African cities, housing over _________percent of urban populations.A. five major; 50B. all; 70C. some; 40D. nearly all; 603. Tourism is the _______ […]

See description for questions | Geography homework help

Project Description: The session long project (SLP) consists of an investigation of a country: it can be either an industrialized country (other than the United States), or an advanced developing country (like China); please do not choose a developing country (like Iraq). The relationship between the country’s health and demographics will be addressed. SLP #1: […]

Geology quizz questions | Geography homework help

Questions 1: Divergence produces (Select two) oceanic crust continental crust oceanic trenches mid-ocean ridges insland arcs hot spots continental volcanic arcs mountain ranges in the continental interior Questions 2: What are the types of plate boundaries (Use lower case one word answers)   Questions 3: The patter of earthquakes arround the world outlines what features? […]

Global warming (answer attached) | Geography homework help

Global Warming Global warming is one of the toughest environmental challenges today, and it threatens the health of people, wildlife, and economics around the world.  According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the problem is mainly carbon dioxide and other fossil fuels.  These fuels, like water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, are then […]

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