
How does modernization manifest itself in U.S. society? Is modernization likely to continue in the U.S.? Explain your answer

How does modernization manifest itself in U.S. society? Use one of the modern theorists introduced in Ch. 16 of Society as a basis for your response. o        Is modernization likely to continue in the U.S.? Explain your answer. o        Is modernization a world-wide trend? o        What are the consequences of modernization? o        Which theorist best reflects your […]

human geography unit 4 critical thinking questions

  Is it an advantage or a disadvantage to have an accent? What role has slang played in your own development of language and culture? What are some of the problems inherent in having multiple languages in one country? For example, Canada utilizes both French and English. How can language lead to revolution? Do you […]

1. On the graph below, plot the ISOTHERMS for Brisbane, Australia and Marquette, Michigan. Helpful Hint: Find the Temperature for…

1. On the graph below, plot the ISOTHERMS for Brisbane, Australia and Marquette, Michigan. Helpful Hint: Find the Temperature for the given city for the corresponding month then connect the dots with a line. J F M A M J J A S O N D Brisbane 77 77 74 70 65 […]

1. on the graph below, plot the isotherms for brisbane, australia and

1. On the graph below, plot the ISOTHERMS for Brisbane, Australia and Marquette, Michigan. Helpful Hint: Find the Temperature for the given city for the corresponding month then connect the dots with a line. J F M A M J J A S O N D Brisbane 77 77 74 70 65 […]

Geology (and other earth sciences)

Assignment Information Name:Geochemistry AssignmentInstructionsGeochemistry essay assignment. “What do we know about the composition of the Earth’s core? Include, in your answer, information provided by knowledge of the Earth’s density, the composition of meteorites, seismic evidence, and melt-solid distribution coefficients. Use diagrams where appropriate” You need to stick to the word limit, but please bear in […]


Though we have some established facts about the “what” of the Iraq war (how many U.S. soldiers were killed, how much money was allocated to the war, how military operations were conducted, how many Iraqi were reportedly killed or displaced, etc.), we continue to debate the REAL “WHY” of the Iraq war: whether the United […]

Research poster

Disaster Research Poster  Click Reply, Name your Case Study and attach your PDF file      What is a Research Poster? Posters are widely used in the academic community. Case study posters summarize information or research concisely and attractively to help publicize it and generate discussion.  The poster is usually a mixture of a brief text […]

Unit 3 Lab Human Geography: Our Global Identit

  Discuss what Maker’s students have in common and why their relationships within her classroom are particularly special. Explain why Maker values the sound of silence. Why did Maker struggle throughout her life to remain in school? What circumstances made getting an education particularly challenging? The unit discusses how some cultural groups have stigmas attached […]

Unit 3 lab human geography: our global identit

  Discuss what Maker’s students have in common and why their relationships within her classroom are particularly special. Explain why Maker values the sound of silence. Why did Maker struggle throughout her life to remain in school? What circumstances made getting an education particularly challenging? The unit discusses how some cultural groups have stigmas attached […]


ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: Write an original academic assignment on ONE topic (with all its subtopics) from the list shown below (minimum 1000 words not counting reference list). Your assignment should be well written and well-organized. Ideas should flow clearly from one paragraph to the next.  THIS IS AN ACADEMIC assignment NOT AN OPINION PIECE. Support your […]

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