
Poetry essay | ENGU 104 |

 In this essay, you are offering an opinion (an argument) about a literary work of poetry from our syllabus that you are backing up with evidence (facts from the poem). The finished product will be approximately 1,000  words in length, typed with standard font size and margins, double spaced. The essay will be evaluated on […]

Com 201_a speech for every occasion

What makes a special occasion? How can you apply, to special occasion speeches, the speaking skills you have worked on throughout the term? Share a special occasion speech you gave or heard (or find a recorded one online and share the link). What made the speech effective? What can you apply from that experience to […]

Discussion post | Literature homework help

  If we had a complete written history of all human thought from the beginning of human civilization, what type of question(s) (Metaphysical, Ethical, or Epistemological) do you think would be the first philosophical question(s)? **Note: Make sure to cite the readings, in order to get full credit. Also, each initial post should be a […]

Music homework | Literature homework help

Watch the FIRST ACT of THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO, which is preceded by the opening Overture with the opera pit orchestra by Mozart. This is 45 minutes long. Here is the URL site.    After you have watched the FIRST ACT of the Opera, please answer the following 4 questions.   What is the difference […]

A write review | Literature homework help

Write 1 page only    In the Aran Islands, Gulliver’s Travels, and The Time Machine, the authors describe adventures that took place in unusual or farway places. Choose one of the selections. Evaluate the information in the piece. Which parts are or could be true? Which parts could not be true?

W6 a2 | Literature homework help

****I have attached the guidelines, part one of this assignment and the feedback from the professor because I need to get an A+ on this.  I didn’t receive a good grade at all (F to be exact).  Please let me know if you can assist in this matter. Assignment #2: Interacting with Rad Relying on […]

Need help with an assignment in world literature i (5-10 sentence

 Lecture 2 Notes & Reading Assignment Epic Poetry and The Iliad 1. Learn the characteristics of epic poetry: An Epic Poem is a long, narrative poem which tells the story of a hero.  The writer begins with calling upon the muse of epic poetry for inspiration. See lecture 1 notes for an explanation of the […]

Story element lessson plan | Literature homework help

Chapter 4 of your text provides an in-depth look at the elements that help make up a good children’s book.  You will create a lesson plan devoted to one of those key elements.  You will fist decide on a grade level to teach this lesson to.  Next  choose a story element shared in Chapter 4 […]

3 page essay | Literature homework help

 Double-space, 12’ font, margins 1’, APA style  The project must be something that can engage people around issues of global concern.  You will plan and execute an art project that uses art to engage people in a public way in order to make a positive difference about an issue of global concern.   There are 5 […]

Replies to classmates posts (2). (150 words minimum each)

Reply to a classmate regarding their post; be sure to offer a new quote or idea to keep the conversation flowing!  Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format. Both responses must be at least 150 words.  1. Reply to this post made by classmate named Crystal:     “The […]

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