Write an “op-ed” or opinion piece of about at least 300 words related to an issue regarding the major sport event bidding process. Your topic should cut across various sport events and the process that takes place when cities, nations, etc. bid for major events (e.g., Olympic Games, Super Bowl, X-Games, etc.). Focus on a […]
Part I: An example of an external force that has influenced the development of sport marketing activities is the Title IX federal legislation. Analyze how Title IX has influenced the marketing of high school athletics and collegiate sports. Give specific examples of marketing activities that interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics administrators and coaches are implementing today […]
Write 5 paragraphs for 200-250 words. There is a rubric with many questions to answer and write about on the Beowulf Criticism. The Beowulf criticism is on romance and here is the link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3251496Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=beowulf&searchText=literary&searchText=criticism&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dbeowulf%2Bliterary%2Bcriticism%2B%26amp%3Bfilter%3D&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents I will give the rubric with questions you can write about. The title is “Beowulf” as Romance: Literary Interpretation as Quest […]
Vedio link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE-PrLa27eM 1. Please create a thread in which you discuss the 5 things you learned from the History Channel documentary that you found most interesting/surprising. 2. Please write a 3-5 page research paper on one of the topics discussed in the video that you wanted to learn […]
Essay 2 is due this week. Write a 750-950 word essay on one of the following topics. Aim for a 5-paragraph essay structure ( introduction with thesis, three or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion). The word count does not include the Works Cited page or formatting. Compare and contrast J. Alfred Prufrock and Nick. […]
Assignment Requirements Part 2: Submit a first draft, to include the following: Introduction with thesis statement Body paragraphs that address the following questions: In Exodus/Deuteronomy, what is the significance of the topic (Moses, Miriam, Covenant, the Decalogue, or the Golden Calf) to the story of the Bible? What is important to know about the history, […]
Care EthicsYou may have noticed an absence of female voices in their research on ethics. Care ethics, often referred to as feminist ethics, is both appealing and controversial to men and women in the 21st century. Using the readings from your textbook, prepare a three-page research paper on feminist/care ethics and do the following: […]
Charles Dickens was not only an author but one of the most important social commentators of his time, who used his writing as a tool of expression for his criticisms of Victorian England. After reading the selection from Charles Dickens’ “Hard Times”, choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write […]
This week, you have the option of interviewing one of the following: An older student or adult who is bilingual, about the experience of learning two languages: English and his or her native language A teacher who works with young English language learners about children’s experiences of learning two languages at the same time A foreign language […]
Faulkner’s narrative is certainly indicative of the modernism movement. Identify six modernism characteristics (see modernism lecture) and explain how each is apparent in the novel. Be sure to clearly identify, explain, and support each of the six characteristics. Length of response should be commiserate with the comprehensive application of the six identified characteristics.