
15-assignment 1 | Literature homework help

In this assignment you will use the skills learned in class to critically evaluate evidence and write a research paper. Please research a topic from the list below to write your research paper. This assignment is three parts. The first part is to research a topic and write a paper using the evidence you found. […]

Answer the question according to outline and reading materials.

1) Describe the different experiments in language in Camus’ The Plague, Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, and Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis.  2) How is Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis, a play with a feminist agenda, different from Ionesco’s Rhinoceros? Discuss the female characters in both plays.  3) Discuss the significance or absence of science and medicine in Camus’ The […]

Children’s literature | Literature homework help

Interview a children’s literature librarian regarding current issues and trends in children’s literature. The librarian might be from a school or public library setting. Research what reputable leaders in the children’s literature community say are the issues and trends in children’s literature. Write a 350- to 525-word blog post about current issues and trends in […]

Question 1 | Literature homework help

  *****  I NEED 3 QUESTIONS TO BE DONE IN 2 Hours **** Question 1 Explore one aspect of Postmodernist social conflict or social criticism (for example family conflict, job conflict, social criticism of American capitalism or materialism) within Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman.  This essay needs to be at least 5 Paragraphs (with […]

Reading: plato’s symposium | Literature homework help (1) Read the Symposium carefully and watch the lectures (2) Pick two of the speeches that you found interesting and use them to respond to the following prompt: (a) In your own words, explain the basic content of the two speeches. This brief summary should be no more than 300 words for the two […]

Literature review | Literature homework help

Conduct a Literature Review using all eight of the references listed below. The topic of the Literature Review is Prison Labor: Pipeline to Global Mass Incarceration. When conducting this paper you must remember that this is a global topic and it has to be no less than 2,000 words. References: Bales, K. (2005). No One […]

Com 201- reflect and review

Use what you’ve learned this week to respond to the following: Review your goal from the Week 5 Discussion. Remind your classmates of the goal and then discuss the progress you’ve made toward achieving it. Set a new goal to work toward in terms of public speaking. Finish this sentence / paragraph: “The best advice […]

Week2 dis2 | Music | National University

Native American Music Chapter 2: Locate recordings of the songs in “Course Resources” Week 2 folder (20 pts) From pages 48-63 the author describes “The Navajo Way of Life”, The Enemyway Ceremony and the Native American Church” In your own words, what was some of the more useful bits of information on these pages? Answers will […]

Reaction paper | Literature homework help

The focus of this option is our secondary text, Confusing Love with Obsession. Your paper should be at least five pages (roughly 1,250 words) in length. Additional sources or references are not required for this assignment, but if you quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source (including the texts), you must document it in APA format. […]

Picture books | Literature homework help

Choose seven types of pictures books, as listed below, for Birth to   Age 5/Pre-K or for K to Age 8/Grade 3. Baby books Interactive books Toy books Wordless books Alphabet books Counting   books Concept books Picture storybooks Predictable books Easy-to-read books Transitional books Picture books for older readers Graphic novels Postmodern picture books In a […]

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