
where would they be and why?

Select two characters from either The Epic of Gilgamesh or Beowulf. Consider the following hypothetical situation: If the characters you chose were sent to Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, what level would Minos send them to? You need to be able to identify each character’s PREDOMINANT sin, i.e., their archetypal sin, e.g. Pinocchio was a fibber, Winnie the Pooh was a glutton, Tinker-bell was […]

Literature As part of a college

Literature As part of a college literature course, students must select three classic works of literature from the provided list and complete critical book reviews for each selected work. Obtain a simple random sample of size 3 from this list. Write a short description of the process you used to generate your sample. Pride and […]

Capstone report (need help)

I wrote the report and need help for some problems (attached the report)   1.The essay should be Capstone REPORT (systemic review) not proposal.   2. There are grammarical mistakes, structure, and some comments show in the paper (atteched 2 — “capstone report with comments”) need to fix.   3. You can make any change but need […]

Week 11 discussion 2

Week 11 Discussion 2 COLLAPSE Top of Form “Looking to the Future” Please respond to the following:   Identify three professional goals you would like to achieve in the field of curriculum design and development, and propose how you plan to achieve those goals.  Predict two ways in which the field of curriculum design and development […]

LITR221 Essay

Write a 500 word essay on one of the following topics. The word count does not include formatting or the works cited page. Write a critical analysis of one of the works from weeks 1 or 2. An overview of approaches can be found here, but many are quite straightforward. Psychological, gender, sociological, biographical, and historical are […]

for AcademicResearchPor

  The assignment for this week’s DB post is designed to help you practice writing a compare/contrast thesis.  Choose one topic/technique/literary motif shared by both The Round House and Peace Like a River and write a 250-500 word post comparing/contrasting them.  Make sure you discuss both similarities and differences.  Also make sure that you avoid discussing simple plot differences. […]

Dante’s inferno (LITERATURE)

Select two characters from either The Epic of Gilgamesh or Beowulf. Consider the following hypothetical situation: If the characters you chose were sent to Dante Alighieri’s Inferno, what level would Minos send them to? You need to be able to identify each character’s PREDOMINANT sin, i.e., their archetypal sin, e.g. Pinocchio was a fibber, Winnie the Pooh was a glutton, Tinker-bell was […]

Gender Inequality in the Workplace Research Argument Paper

The basis of your argument should be a question that you wish to genuinely explore and thoughtfully answer. Ideally, your exploration and research will lead you to a conclusion that merits your attempt to convince your readers of your perspective, and to persuade your reader to action. Once you have narrowed on a topic and […]

Charles Dickens was not only an author but one of the most important social commentators of his time, who used…

Charles Dickens was not only an author but one of the most important social commentators of his time, who used his writing as a tool of expression for his criticisms of Victorian England.  After reading the selection from Charles Dickens’ “Hard Times”, choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write […]

need a 3-4 page Literary Analysis written on World Literature (Literature background only)

I need a 3-4 page Literary Analysis written on the following in APA format:   Discuss the differences among the Greek, Roman, and biblical worldviews. Contrast Biblical examples of human heroism with classical examples and explain how these contrasts embody contrasting value systems and worldview beliefs. Explain the difference between the Greek and Christian concepts […]

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