Attached you will find the necessary information to complete your Alphabet Book. As for the actual delivery of the Alphabet Book, you have two options. You may create a Power Point presentation, or you may create a regular Word document with the information on it. Either of the options is acceptable.
Prompt 1—Shakespeare Essay Argumentative Essay Essay Checklist: 1. Did I write an introduction with a hook, a claim, and three reasons? 2. Do I have 2-3 body paragraphs explaining each reason for my claim? 3. Do I have a conclusion that summarizes my main points and emphasizes my main lesson? 4. Does each paragraph have […]
Students will write review that is 750 – 1000 words in length about one chapter in the Niebuhr textbook. Half will be summary and half will be personal reflection. The reflection should include explanations of where the student agrees or disagrees with Niebuhr and why.
Written Opinion Editorial Use the synthesis of the literature matrix dissection assignment as support for an opinion and a call to action about an environmental health issue or problem. Opinion editorials typically appear opposite the editorial page in a newspaper and voice a perspective on an issue of importance that is clear, compelling, and […]
Using Poetry A Story By Li-Young Lee, complete a TP-CASTT analysis instruction as to how to do the TP- CASTT will be in a file below along with another file that has the template that will be done for this assignment. Poetry Link: more instructions for TP Castt link:
Session 5 Assignment In this session you will develop two critical components of your research. Theory of Change and Assumptions: From the research questions or hypotheses you have developed to conduct research, you will now convert this into an actionable format. This will include introducing the Theory of Change and key assumptions using the […]
This week’s focus is on foundations in children’s literature. Alphabets, chapbooks, and picture books are staples of children’s literature. This week you will identify key attributes of these different genres and explore their significance to the study of children’s literature. Explain the importance of illustration in these books, which is a key to these […]
if you were a parent would you give your child the opportunity to learn different languages? Why would you choose or not choose to have your child learn more than one language? What kinds of experiences would you provide for your child to help them learn dual languages? You may use an example from your […]
2.5.2 Literature review: exemplary teaching of diverse learnersWeight: 50%Type of Collaboration: IndividualDue: Monday26thAprilby11.59pmSubmission: TurnitinFormat: Submissiondetails:-Submitadraftofyourassignment(notaPDF)toTurnitinbyWednesday21stAprilby 11.59pm. ThiswillgiveyoutimetoreviewyourOriginality(Similarity)Reportandedit yourwork. Thepurposeofthedraftsubmissionisforreviewingandeditingthematches topublishedsourcesfoundinyourpaper,itisnotforreceivingfeedbackfromyourtutor. -Submitanelectroniccopyofyourfinalassignment(includingyourreferencelist)to TurnitinbyMonday26thAprilby11.59pm.-Assignmentssubmittedaftertheduedateandtime,withoutanapprovedextension,willbepenalised10%perdayforlatesubmission(seeGeneral Requirements).Length: 2,000wordsCurriculum Mode: LiteratureReviewPurpose – how this assignment relates to the learning outcomesThis assignment will engage you in a review of scholarly literature on exemplary teaching. You will discuss key educationaldiscoursesrelatedtoworkingwithfamiliesanddiversestudentandthelinkstohighqualityteachingfor […]
Create an intellectual biography of a major contributor to Philosophy of Communication mentioned in the texts or lectures and read a primary work by the contributor; developing an outline of the book and situated it in the context of this course. This is your choice. Whichever philosophical period and whichever philosopher you choose is permitted. […]