
Assignment 11: reverse referral fees | HA4070D-Regulatory Environment in Health Care | National American University

HA4070D – Regulatory Environment in Health Care  Assignment 11: Reverse Referral Fees Assignment  Task: Submit to complete this assignment Directions Complete the Problem on page 573 “Reverse Referral Fees” as a two to three-page paper. A general description of the Marcus Welby Hospital is located here. You are outside counsel to the Marcus Welby Healthcare […]

leadership week 5 discus.

Research one of the three theories (presented in Chapter 18) for planned change and how that process could be applied to a real nursing change situation. Be sure to apply concepts from the readings and research. You must cite (with reference) at least one source: your textbook, scholarly resources, or ATI textbook (no blogs, Wiki, […]

Discussion post | Nursing homework help

 A researcher based in Miami wants to learn about the experiences of homeless people in the United States by conducting interviews with them. He plans to conduct in-person interviews with the homeless people he samples. He is having trouble deciding how to draw a representative sample of homeless people because homeless people are difficult to […]

Nursing.(Practium Experience plan)

Assignment 2: Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Presentation Photo Credit: Pexels Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum experiences and connect them to the didactic learning you gain from your NRNP courses. Focused SOAP notes, such as the ones required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical settings to […]

State health policy reform innovation

  Select a state health policy reform innovation Discuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence. Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer […]

Grand Canyon University Evidence Based Practice Discussion

Description Consider the following stakeholders and discuss how you might approach each one, if the stakeholder were resistant to an evidence-based practice change in your facility: physician, patient, nurse, health care administrator, CEO. Discuss the importance of each stakeholder in implementing an evidence-based practice change related to both clinical practice and administrative practice. Introduction to […]

Community health nursing survey

Community Windshield Survey Guidelines Updated 9/2018 Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to complete a direct observational assessment of a community in your area. This windshield survey will help you to identify a vulnerable population, an important community health problem, and a related Healthy People 2020objective for a community in your area. Course Outcomes This […]

Practicum lesson plan- nursing orientation for new hires

   The purpose of this assignment is to create a lesson plan to be delivered in the practicum setting. Refer to your student learning needs assessment data and annotated bibliography to complete this assignment. Write a detailed lesson plan that includes the following information. 1. Description of practicum setting and population. 2. Lesson outcomes with […]


 In the Asian culture, there is often a belief that terminally ill patients should not be informed about their prognosis. Would you respect the cultural practice and not inform a patient about the prognosis? Is there a way for health care providers to balance the patient’s right to know with respect for the cultural practices […]

Practicum lesson plan | Nursing homework help

      Practicum Lesson   Plan The purpose of this assignment is to create a lesson plan to be delivered in the practicum setting. Refer to your student learning needs assessment data and annotated bibliography to complete this assignment. Write a detailed lesson plan that includes the following information. 1. Description of practicum setting and population. Share […]

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