
Using your chemical knowledge, explain and/or demonstrate

Background A seriously misunderstood idea in astronomy is dark matter. It‘s called darkfor two reasons. The more obvious is that it does not directly interact with light andtherefore has no visible color. A less obvious, but more accurate reason, is simplybecause we don’t know what it is. We have a huge body of evidence that […]

. It is 4 miles from YC to Thumb Butte park. What is this distance in kilometers?

. It is 4 miles from YC to Thumb Butte park. What is this distance in kilometers?

Someone please help me out, thanks. :)

Someone please help me out, thanks. 🙂

Can you identify the relevant physical principles and summarize them in words?

Problem: There are two blocks, one on top of the other, that are connected by an ideal massless rope and pulley.The lower block in the figure is pulled on by another rope with a tension force of 26 N. The top block hasa mass of 1.4 kg and the bottom block has a mass of […]

Why are changes in the level of salt more important to consider than the amount of salt in the ecosystem?

Why are changes in the level of salt more important to consider than the amount of salt in the ecosystem?

· The purpose of this project is to find articles in recently published scientific and academic journals that use statistical analysis. Scientific and Academic Journals are those which publish

·         The purpose of this project is to find articles in recently published scientific and academic journals that use statistical analysis. Scientific and Academic Journals are those which publish papers that describe original research that was done by the authors who wrote the articles. This does not include magazine articles; non-research items in journals; and […]

Please help.

Please help. 

Tom pulls a muscle. He has to stop working to get an ice pack. Claudia continues to work and soon finished her pile. Power is the rate of doing work. It’s calculated by dividing work by time ( power =

Tom pulls a muscle. He has to stop working to get an ice pack. Claudia continues to work and soon finished her pile. Power is the rate of doing work. It’s calculated by dividing work by time ( power =work ÷time). Who had more power in this scenario? Why?

EXPERIMENT 5: FACTORS AFFECTING REACTION RATEThis experiment shows that these factors affecting reaction rate so as to increase or decrease the speed of reaction?Discribe the rate of a chemical reacti

EXPERIMENT 5: FACTORS AFFECTING REACTION RATEThis experiment shows that these factors affecting reaction rate so as to increase or decrease the speed of reaction?Discribe the rate of a chemical reaction is influenced by a number of factors: the nature of the reactants, temperature of the reaction, concentration of the reactants, the surface area of the […]

Instructions First, select a newer scholarly journal article (no older than 2015) relevant to the course regarding the US national response to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or the psychological im

Instructions First, select a newer scholarly journal article (no older than 2015) relevant to the course regarding the US national response to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or the psychological impact of an WMD attack on the population. Then conduct an article review of that article. It must be related to the course or course […]

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