

Air cannot be seen nor held, yet it is mass.  Please explain how

National Security

compose a 500-750 position paper response to the following question.  Be sure to utilize relevant material from your readings and the module notes to substantiate your analysis using citations. Observe APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 6th edition style and formatting as you compose your position paper response.  Question: John McCuen observes “we will have to be […]


The diffraction limit, the smallest angle in degrees that can be resolved, is 250,000 arcsec × (wavelength/diameter of telescope). Humans have two eyes separated by about 6.9 cm and a marvelous computer between their ears. If this optical interferometer is just as good as one eyeball and as large as the separation of two regular […]

Select the term that does not belong with the other a. muscle atrophy b. immobilization c. decreases in number of myofibrils d. loss of nerve…

Select the term that does not belong with the other a. muscle atrophy b. immobilization c. decreases in number of myofibrils d. loss of nerve stimulation e. increased vascularity

A proton is initially at rest at a point where the potential is 515 V. Some time later the proton is at a point where the potential is 190 V.

A proton is initially at rest at a point where the potential is 515 V. Some time later the proton is at a point where the potential is 190 V. If no force other than the electrostatic force acts on the proton, what is its final kinetic energy?.

Consider the reaction CH4(g) + X2(g) CH3X(g) + HX(g) , where X is a halogen-like atom (Group 7A). Calculate H for this reaction if bond en- ergy…

Consider the reaction CH4(g) + X2(g) → CH3X(g) + HX(g) ,where X is a halogen-like atom (Group 7A). Calculate ∆H for this reaction if bond en-ergy tables give the following values:CH: 416kJ/molXX: 200kJ/molHX: 287kJ/molCX: 230kJ/mol Answer in units of kJ/mol.

If 132 mL of wet H2 is collected over water at 24C and a barometric pressure of 736 torr, how many grams of Zn have been consumed?

If 132 mL of wet H2 is collected over water at 24°C and a barometric pressure of 736 torr, how many grams of Zn have been consumed? (The vapor pressure of water is 22.38 torr at 24°C.)

n for the hybrid orbitals formed from each of the following combinations of atomic orbitals? What characteristic bond angles are associated with each?…

What is the designation for the hybrid orbitals formed from each of the following combinations of atomic orbitals? What characteristic bond angles are associated with each?(a) one s, three p,and two d designationbond angles°(b) one s,two p designationbond angles°(c) one s, one p,designationbond angles°

Write a 2-4 page paper utilizing the selected policy issue identified in Week 1 discussion. Analyze the impact of the policy on financing and…

Write a 2-4 page paper utilizing the selected policy issue identified in Week 1 discussion. Analyze the impact of the policy on financing and budgetary issues. In addition to this week’s learning resources, perform an informal literature search on the funding of your policy. In addition to this week’s learning resources, perform an informal literature […]

what is the geometric shape for O2 and what how many bonds are in the structure

what is the geometric shape for O2 and what how many bonds are in the structure

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