
Post SCI228 quiz 6 and 7

Quiz 6 1. Question : (TCO 1) When athletes reach a physically trained state, they are able to use more _______________ for energy. Student Answer: vitamins carbohydrate fat protein Chapter 11 Points Received: 2 of 2 Comments: 2. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following sports is the least likely to place a young […]

Physical Science

Discussion Question: The Electromagnetic Spectrum” Please respond to the following: Watch the video titled “What Are Gamma Rays?” (1 min 39 sec) under the Gamma Rays terms section of the Science Corner. You can also view the video at Next, give your opinion on whether or not the benefits of space exploration to the Moon and […]

Unit 7: Unit 7: Science in the Bathroom: Keeping clean – Discussion

Water and Waste Water is a seemingly abundant resource on the planet, but that perception would be incorrect. Although 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, less than 1% of that is potable — fresh water that people can drink and water crops with. The rest is unusable with about 97% of it […]

political science sand1 spring

Assignment for:   Kerman, Orange is the New Black. In regard to Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman – discuss:                  (1) whether you believe that the prosecutorial system is excessive,    (2) whether prison life, even in minimum security, is overly harsh, and   (3) alternatives to prison for minor drug offenses and […]

GEO homework

I need soneone to do this homework for me  Movie Review: Write a 750-1000 word essay reviewing documentary films The 11th Hour (2007) and Chasing Ice (2012). Summarize, compare films, and include at least two quotations and interpret the quotations in your own words. Essay must be typed, double spaced, 1” margin all around, Times […]

1. Locate the celestial equator. Name one star on

1. Locate the celestial equator. Name one star on or very near it. Find one within 10 degrees north or south.______ is about _____ degrees N/S of the equator. Indicate in your answer if the star is north or south. 2 .Locate the ecliptic and name one star on or very near it. Try to […]

professional life

750 do you feel is the most important component in the development and maintenance of a successful professional identity?  What steps will you take to develop this component in your professional life? How can a professional portfolio be used to convey your professional identity? What do you think would be important to include in your professional […]

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Discuss scientific and technical concepts related to materials science. Use the manufacturing of one of the following materials as the basis for your response: Plastics Glass Metals Discuss how materials science has advanced to the stage where materials can be engineered to fit a specific purpose. Provide an example of an application or object that […]

According to the assigned article, “Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes,” narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. Thematically, the issue of fear i

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Science and Technology

Science is the study of how the universe works using the scientific method as a framework for asking questions. Throughout history, humans have built up a body of scientific knowledge and have used this knowledge to develop technologies to make life easier or to broaden their knowledge. Scientific discovery drives technological advances and sometimes, as […]

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