This week, you are tasked to write a Formal Project Proposal for your portfolio (think gatekeeper readers). Using your mock business or organization, write a formal proposal explaining how your product or service could be provided in a more efficient and effective way. Your proposal should be directed toward gatekeeper readers. Organize your proposal following […]
This is in continuation of the education paper you did last week. Discussion 4: Variables 22 unread replies.22 replies. Identify and describe each of the variables (independent and dependent variables for differences or correlational variables for relationship). Be sure to describe the level of measurement of each variable (nominal, ordinal, or interval). Your post must be at […]
Chose a specific product or service your mock business or organization provides. Write a short description of the product or service including a brief description of the targeted user. Next, create a set of written instructions for how to use the product or service (5-7 steps). You can find an example in our textbook, but […]
Step 1: Read this brief tutorial explaining differences of misfeasance, malfeasance and non-feasance. (Click the underlined text to link) Step 2: After learning about different types of legal and ethical infractions made by educators, write three education vignettes (short stories) – one example of each: malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. Short stories should be at least 50 words. If you do not create an […]
This week’s discussion forum involves writing a Policy Brief on a topic pre-assigned to you within the discussion forum instructions. Please take a look at the assignment early as it will take some effort to develop a well written Policy Brief. A Policy Brief consists of three primary areas of focus. It delivers a concise […]
I have 2 papers that need to be done asap. One paper is already late and the other is due soon. Here is the first prompt: HAS TO BE ORGANZIATIONAL LEADERSHIP EXPERT/PROFESSIONAL/ (BIBLICAL STUDIES BACKGROUND WOULD BE A PLUS.) Paper 1 Project 2: Interview Followers (intv) The main purpose of the project is to determine “what followers […]
Judgment To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 5 of your textbook (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Feenstra, 2013). In addition, read Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974). Finally, review Instructor Guidance and Announcements. In this discussion, you will […]
What powers does a president have to influence the economy? Illustrate these powers with a news article from the last eight weeks.
using the four rules of inference presented in section 7.1 (mp mt ds and hs) construct a proof for the following valid argument in the answer box below. 1. (R>L)>(L>~F)………premise2. ~Fv(R>L)………………premise3. ~~F……………../~R…… premise/conclusion
using two examples, Which systemic theory of international politics best explains Economic Regional integration efforts ?