Social Science

kim woods discussion 7/23/17

Imagine that you were tasked to develop a product that uses technology to facilitate causal reasoning. Briefly outline the instructional content that you would include. Indicate the type of technology you would use (i.e., microworlds, virtual laboratories, virtual worlds, simulations, and games). Provide a rationale for how your choice facilitates causal reasoning.

EDU 100: Issues in Education Week 1 Assignment

I Will Be A Great Educator Analyze the qualities of a teacher or educator that were discussed in the “Teacher vs Educator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” article.  Evaluate yourself and explain the qualities you possess that will make you a great educator. The “I Will Be a Great Educator” assignment Must […]

EDU 100: Issues in Education Week 1 DQ 2

Teacher Vs. Educator Read the Teacher vs. Educator” article and reflect on a school leader who has been influential in your life.  Based on the example given in the article, explain why you would categorize that influential school leader as either a teacher or an educator. –       Teachers and Principal I have worked with have […]

07/23/2017 Critical Thinking

Assignment 2: Constructing Truth Tables In this assignment, you will construct truth tables and use them to assess the validity of arguments. Click here to download the assignment, complete the problems listed and save your responses in the Excel document.  Name the file M5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.xls and submit it to the Discussion Area by Sunday, July 23, 2017. By Wednesday, July 26, 2017, review […]

07/24/2017 Critical Thinking

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Final Argument Paper Using the information from the PowerPoint presentation you created in Module 3, write an Argument Paper that takes a position on the issue you selected. Be sure to include an explanation of the topic, possible viewpoints on the topic, your selected position on the topic, and appropriate evidence to […]

annotated bibliography

In this course, you are required to complete a research paper about one of the topics of your choice discussed in the course. Review the topics in the course and choose a topic to focus your research paper on. Some suggestions include: Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders The history of the increase in opiate […]

Assignment 2: Factors In Favor of and Against PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY!

Assignment 2: Factors In Favor of and Against Finding “factors for” and “factors against” a position is a versatile tool for critical thinkers. In this assignment, you will practice this technique more formally by examining one of several contemporary issues. Using your readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research methods for creating […]

key components

Diamantes describes seven key components that support the purpose of fire inspections. Select one of the seven, and provide a real-world example that explains why the component you selected is vital to fire safety. to preplan firefighting procedures (this is one of the seven key components )  150 words  apa format

Friendly and Professional

Final Paper In this course, you have looked at classical ethical theories of utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. You have also examined different perspectives on ethical issues introduced by relativism, ethical egoism, and emotivism. For this paper, you will apply these theories and perspectives to a current issue. Choose an ethical issue to write about. […]

Friendly and Professional (2 Questions)

The purpose of this discussion is to help you understand the growing concerns surrounding consumerism and how this concept is applied to varied contexts. Prepare and post a response to the following prompts: Describe consumerism. Describe a specific context and explain what consumerism means in the setting. What is planned obsolescence? What role does planned […]

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